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Philadelphia Inquirer calls on Trump to drop out of presidential race


There is one presidential candidate who should drop out of the race for the White House in 2024, the Philadelphia Inquirer editorial board wrote in an opinion piece published Saturday, but it's not President Biden. The only person who should drop out of the race is Trump, the paper's staff insisted, later adding: “His supporters say they like Trump because he says whatever he thinks.” But he's just talking nonsense. »

To build himself up, Trump is constantly destroying the country, adds the editorial committee. There is no shining city on the hill. America is just grieving.

At the heart of the media’s position are the more than 30,000 lies he told during his term, at least 30 in Thursday’s debate alone, Trump said. The debate was a reminder of what four more years of Trump would look like. More lies, more grievances, more narcissism and more hate.

Trump's first term was notable for several reasons, the council continued, including the hours he devoted to Twitter and the time he spent at properties he owns, reportedly playing more than 200 rounds of golf. He also made many promises he failed to keep, including one to build a wall on the border with Mexico.

Trump has staffed the justice system with extremist judges, mostly white men, including a number whom the American Bar Association has deemed incompetent. A record number of cabinet members have been fired or left their positions. The West Wing was plagued by constant chaos and infighting, the board wrote.

Other low points of Trump's tenure include his son-in-law's $2 billion deal with the Saudi government, his own impeachments and his botched handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. Most recently, he was convicted of 34 counts of fraud in New York and still faces 3 other federal cases (including one regarding his role in attempting to overthrow the government he ostensibly wants to lead).

With all this in mind, the council asks: why was he allowed to participate in the debate in the first place?

President Biden may not have done as well as many hoped in Thursday's debate, the editorial team concluded, but Biden believes in the best of America. He rebuilt relationships with allies around the world and stood up to enemies like Russia and China. There was only one person at the debate who didn't deserve to run for president. The sooner Trump leaves the scene, the better off the country will be.




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