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Pakistan SC questions Election Commission over exclusion of Imran Khan's party from elections

Pakistan SC questions Election Commission over exclusion of Imran Khan's party from elections


ANI | Updated: June 30, 2024 at 7:34 p.m. IST

Islamabad [Pakistan]June 30 (ANI): The Supreme Court of Pakistan has asked the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) why it excluded Imran Khan-founded Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) from the general elections, thereby losing its claim to reserved seats, Pakistan-based Dawn reported. As a member of the full bench of the Supreme Court heard the appeal of the Sunni Ittehad Council (SIC) against the denial of reserved seats for women and minorities, Justice Athar Minallah ordered the ECP to convince the court that it provided a “level playing field” to all political parties, “including the PTI, before, during and after the February 8 general elections.” The Supreme Court of Pakistan will resume hearing the appeal on Monday. In a four-page note, Justice Minallah observed that pending petitions before the apex court raising questions about the integrity of the February 8 elections should be heard alongside the SIC petitions. He asked the ECP to record the nature of complaints received before, during and after the general elections and to convince the Supreme Court that each political party was dealt with in accordance with the commandments of the Constitution, offering conditions fair game for all.

Justice Minallah said the issue of reserved seats could not be decided in isolation or on the basis of technicalities and pleadings, adding that the broader issue involves the “fundamental democratic and constitutional rights of the genuine stakeholders, the voters,” Dawn reported. He further emphasized that it was the onerous duty of the Supreme Court to ensure that no voter was disenfranchised and that questions regarding the integrity of the electoral process were not ignored. He added that the arguments put forward by the ECP lawyer had raised “serious questions” regarding the “integrity” of the electoral process. Pakistan's highest court also observed that the ECP's exclusion of a major political party from the general elections, based on its misinterpretation of the Supreme Court's January 13 judgment, certainly resulted in ” deprivation of the right to vote of voters” and therefore “deprivation of reserved seats”. The legitimacy of governance, future policies, legislation and public trust in representative institutions depend on the integrity of the electoral process and institutions. The ECP's alleged failure to carry out this task would raise questions about fulfilling its constitutional obligation to hold elections, he added. Meanwhile, the Sunni Ittehad Council, which is fighting for allocation of reserved seats in the country's highest court, pointed out that the ECP had in 2019 allotted reserved seats to the Balochistan Awami Party (BAP) itself if the party had not contested the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa elections or submitted a list of candidates for the seats reserved for women. The ECP applied different standards for allocation of reserved seats for BAP in the KP Assembly in 2019, but took a discriminatory step by not allocating reserved seats for women and minorities in the SIC. (ANI)




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