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Steve Bannon Says Biden Withdrawing From Race Would Hurt Donald Trump

Steve Bannon Says Biden Withdrawing From Race Would Hurt Donald Trump


Stephen K. Bannon, a former adviser to presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump and an influential podcast host who is scheduled to serve a four-month prison sentence Monday for contempt of Congress, predicted that President Biden’s debate performance would force him out of the race, depriving Republicans of their weakest opponent.

The campaign is starting to wake up after a lot of kicking and screaming, I think wrongly, Bannon, who ran the final months of Trump's 2016 campaign, said in an interview Sunday.

“On Thursday, Trump won a Pyrrhic victory. You're going to take out a guy you know you can beat and beat hard, and we're going to have a wild card,” Bannon added.

The Biden campaign acknowledged the president’s weak performance in the debates but insisted it didn’t change the fundamentals of a tight race. In a memo released Saturday, campaign manager Jen O’Malley Dillon wrote that a drop in polls, which already showed Biden trailing Trump before the debate, would be attributed to negative media coverage rather than a shift in voter attitudes.

Bannon, however, predicted that the debate, in which Biden gave answers that were hard to follow and repeatedly appeared to lose his train of thought, would lead to a polling collapse that the president would not be able to survive. If Biden were to withdraw from the race, it would upend Trump’s campaign, which has always been predicated on impeaching the incumbent president.

Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung said OMalley Dillon's memo threw all potential replacements under the bus by highlighting their weaknesses in the polls. Now they have to deal with having an incompetent candidate as their nominee, he said.

Bannon remains in occasional contact with Trump and his aides. Bannon remains in occasional contact with Trump and his aides. He has ruled out any future official role in the 2024 campaign or in the White House. He has praised the current leadership of the campaign. If Biden steps down, Bannon said, Republicans would have to tackle the complicated process of replacing him after Democratic primary voters have already cast their ballots.

We must weaponize their process and show the nation how callous they were, how selfish they were, how they did not prioritize the good of the nation, but rather the good of their ambition personal, he said.

“They’re going to get a messiah, and then you’re going to have the honeymoon,” Bannon continued. “By the time the Democratic convention comes around at the end of August, it’s got to be so toxic that no matter who it is, whether it’s Michelle Obama or Gavin Newsom or whoever, they’re going to start with a minimum deficit of five to seven points.

He compared the fallout from the debate to earlier discussions about whether House Republicans should continue their efforts to impeach Biden for fear of weakening him to such an extent that he would not run for re-election.

He's the best guy we could ever have, he said, predicting that Republicans in November would win 340 Electoral College votes in the presidential race, 53 or 54 Senate seats and a half-dozen House seats.

Bannon gave an interview as he prepared to surrender to authorities and enter a low-security federal prison in Danbury, Connecticut. On Friday, the Supreme Court denied his latest request to delay his sentence, after a Washington appeals court rejected similar requests. He was convicted in July 2022 of two counts of contempt of Congress for refusing to comply with a subpoena from the House committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Bannon, who encouraged Trump supporters to come to Washington that day, has remained silent about his activities after the mob turned violent, including about two phone calls with Trump that day. Bannon has invoked executive privilege, which no court has accepted.

Bannon said he would spend his sentence continuing to guide his audience through emails and interviews.

They can't silence me, he said. I'll be taller since prison.




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