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The Trump Debate Was Even Worse Than You Remember

The Trump Debate Was Even Worse Than You Remember


Thursday's debate between President Biden and Donald Trump was unprecedented in at least one respect: For the first time in six such debates over the past eight years, Trump ultimately won one of them, according to the polls and the consensus of journalists. This reaction of course had nothing to do with Trump himself, and everything to do with Biden's faltering performance. But to declare Trump the winner is to lose sight of the Trump we saw on stage.

The former president wasn't all we know him to be; he was worse. It was truly a brave display of lying and deception. Reading the transcript, it becomes clear that there was not a single response given by Trump that did not include a terrible bias, an absurdly misleading statement, or an outright lie, often more than one.

Time and time again, Trump's nonsense has become downright ridiculous.

The day after the debate, at a rally in North Carolina, Biden sounded far more forceful than he did in the debate. Trump, for his part, will continue to lie about things big and small, insist that he won the 2020 election, and prepare his supporters for another bout of violent rage if he loses this year as well. what Trump said as much as how Biden appeared.

Starting with racism. Toward the middle of the debate, Trump attempted to turn the debate about inflation into a debate about immigration. “They’re taking black jobs and Hispanic jobs,” he said. As NAACP President Derrick Johnson told NBC News, “There is no such thing as black work or white work.” Unsurprisingly, Trump didn't bother to explain what he considers “black work” or “Hispanic work.”

The awkward segment came shortly after Trump used the word “Palestinian” as an insult. “He’s become like a Palestinian,” the former president said of Biden, with obvious disgust. “He’s a very bad Palestinian.” (And if there was any doubt about Trump’s intentions, he reprised the language the next day, claiming that Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, who is Jewish, had “become a Palestinian.”)

As for Trump’s lies, most of them take the form of what we might call infinite hyperbole, in which he says we’ve never seen anything like this before or that I had the greatest economy in history or that something he said was one of the strongest statements you’ve ever seen. These kinds of lies are more ridiculous than sinister, even as they contribute to the idea that honesty is for fools.

Trump’s nonsense has often become downright ridiculous. When asked about climate change, Trump boasted that when he was president, “we had water.” We had the best numbers ever. In fact, what happened to water? It’s just a memory now.

Asked about the opioid addiction crisis, which was primarily caused by prescription drugs, Trump responded: “We have great equipment. We bought a certain dog. It's the most amazing thing you've ever seen, the way they can spot it. We have done a lot. And we were getting very low numbers. Without wishing to disparage this particular dog's efforts, the number of opioid overdoses was never very low under Trump, and by the time he left office it was approaching 100,000 deaths per year.

Other lies were far less amusing. He claimed that Biden wanted to quadruple everyone’s taxes and that Biden was allowing millions of undocumented immigrants to come here from jails, prisons, and mental institutions, to come into our country and destroy our country. Trump makes this last claim often, and not only is it false, but it is meant to both stoke fear and justify his mass deportation plans. If you believe him, you might conclude that if families are broken and innocent people deported in what may be the largest national paramilitary project in American history, that is just the price we should pay.

On the issue of abortion, Trump's comments were even more deranged and detached from reality.

Trump even said that Biden was trying to give undocumented immigrants Social Security, which is of course absurd. But the fear Trump is trying to promote is broad: When immigrants aren't killing your family, they're robbing you of your government benefits.

On the abortion issue, Trump’s comments were even more outrageous and detached from reality. Fifty-one years ago, Roe v. Wade was decided, and everybody wanted it to go to the states, everybody, Democrats, Republicans, liberals, conservatives. Everybody wanted it to go to the states, Trump said. That’s a blatant lie: A clear majority of Americans did not agree with overturning Roe.

But Trump is not done. They are radicals because they take the life of a child in the eighth month, the ninth month, and even after birth, he said. Abortions after birth are not a thing. By defining Democrats as abortion radicals, he is paving the way for the new restrictions that Republicans want to impose: banning the use of abortion drugs (which now account for the majority of abortions), punishing doctors, and eventually having the Supreme Court declare the fetus a person, making every abortion or IVF treatment an act of murder.

When the debate moderators finally brought up the subject of January 6, Trump claimed — as he had before — that he had offered then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi 10,000 troops or Guard members. national, and she refused them and she now admits that she refused them. . This is a fantasy he never offered Pelosi and an ongoing effort to deflect blame for the insurrection. And Trump's promise to pardon the rioters is another signal to his supporters that if he loses in November, another bout of violence aimed at overturning the results could be justified.

Finally, there is the one subject that Trump lies about more than any other: his defeat in the 2020 election. When asked if he would accept this year's results, he replied: “If it's a fair, legal and good election, absolutely. » I would have preferred to accept these results, but the fraud and everything else was ridiculous. To any reasonable observer, that means no. Everyone knows that Trump will not accept the results of the election unless he wins.

One of the most horrifying aspects of the debate is that Trump gave him so many opportunities to belittle him. Had Biden responded better, viewers would have better understood how Trump was deceiving them. This debate proved once again that no one really knows how to handle Trump’s barrage of deceptions: not the media, not his opponents, not the voters. He won’t be ashamed to tell the truth, his supporters don’t seem to care, and his lies only get worse over time. But even if no one can stop him, the worst thing he can do is pretend that it doesn’t matter.




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