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Narendra Modi's eyes, ears, how KK became Gujarat's man for all seasons | Political Pulse News

Narendra Modi's eyes, ears, how KK became Gujarat's man for all seasons | Political Pulse News


WHEN Kuniyil Kailashnathan, 72, bowed out of Gujarat bureaucracy on Saturday, choosing voluntary retirement after his tenure as principal secretary to the chief minister expired, it marked the end of an era.

KK, as he is popularly called in Gujarat's bureaucratic and political circles, spent 45 years in different capacities in the state civil service, eventually becoming a power centre under the Narendra Modi government in the state. When Modi came to power in 2014, he continued to be the eyes and ears of the Prime Minister in Gujarat, often dubbed the Super CM.

Therefore, officials say, the impact of Kailashnathan's departure is likely to be felt soon on the functioning of the Gujarat bureaucracy, particularly the IAS and IPS officers.

A native of Kerala and a chemistry graduate from Madras University, Kailashnathan is a Gujarat cadre officer of the batch of 1979. His first posting as collector was in Surendranagar district, followed by Surat. Later he served in various departments/corporations of Gujarat like Rural Development, Industries, Gujarat Maritime Board, Narmada Board and Urban Development. The BOOT (Build-Own-Operate-Transfer) policy of the Gujarat Maritime Board was formulated during his tenure, an IAS official said.

In 1994-95, Kailashnathan was the Chief Electoral Officer of Gujarat.

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During his tenure as Ahmedabad Municipal Commissioner between 1999 and 2001, Kailashnathan is credited with developing the Raska project for emergency water supply to the city in record time, including laying a 43-meter pipeline. km long to resolve a drinking water crisis.

A senior IAS officer said, “The completion of the Raska project in record time was only due to the vision of Kailashnathan, who was able to see the impending crisis and came up with a plan.”

It was in late 2001 that Modi took over as CM of Gujarat, and it was no surprise that Kailashnathan quickly caught his eye.

In 2006, Kailashnathan was appointed to the Chief Minister's Office (CMO). He didn't leave for 18 years, until Saturday.

In 2013, when he retired as Additional Chief Secretary to the CMO, the Modi government in the state created the post of Chief Principal Secretary to the CM for Kailashnathan. Over the next 11 years, he continued to get extensions at regular intervals and was entrusted with Modis' pet projects like GIFT City, Narmada and now the redevelopment of Gandhi Ashram.

Since Modi stepped down as prime minister, three other chief ministers have succeeded him in Gujarat: Anandiben Patel, Vijay Rupani and Bhupendra Patel. But Kailashnathan's stature has not diminished.

A senior government official said: Kailashnathan was considered more powerful than the chief secretary, and sometimes even the chief ministers (who replaced Modi). He was the one who decided on transfers and postings of IAS and IPS officers. His advice was sought even on matters that were not his purview.

A senior official said: The important thing about KK was that he adapted to the situation, changing his approach according to the outgoing chief secretary. If the chief secretary was not very proactive, he would start taking the initiative and getting things done. But if the chief secretary was proactive, KK would take a back seat.

A senior BJP leader admitted that the influence Kailashnathan enjoyed meant he often followed in the footsteps of the powerful. Many BJP leaders did not like this situation. Now, if he is not replaced by someone else, I would see this as an indication that the chief minister will have a freer hand in administration.

An officer said changes could also be seen in the bureaucracy. For better or worse, KK ran the bureaucracy. It is therefore certain that an administration model had been put in place and, naturally, there were prejudices. His favorite officers remained in coveted positions, and those not in his good graces continued to be sidelined. The sidelined officers did not have the chance to prove their ability to do their job, or not. Now that KK is retired, this model is likely to undergo a change. It is possible that his blue-eyed sons (KK) will be sidelined.

Although he has retired from his post as marketing director, Kailashnathan continues to serve as the chairman of Sardar Sarovar Narmada Nigam Limited and a member of the executive council responsible for implementing the Gandhi Ashram redevelopment project. It is not yet known whether he will continue in his role or not.

Meanwhile, speculation is rife that KK should be given a bigger role at the Centre, either as governor or lieutenant governor or in the prime minister's office. Given the kind of experience KK has and the level of trust Modi has in him, it is likely that he will be given some responsibilities at the national level, a senior officer said.




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