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From farmer's son to vice president, Naidu's journey is inspiring, says PM Modi | Politics News

From farmer's son to vice president, Naidu's journey is inspiring, says PM Modi | Politics News


Modi, Narendra Modi, Mr. Venkaiah Naidu, Venkaiah Naidu

TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 2024 New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi with former Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu during a meeting, in New Delhi. (Photo: PTI)

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday released three books on the life of M Venkaiah Naidu and recalled his contributions, including the fight against the imposition of Emergency and as a Union minister and Vice President.

Recalling that the 50th anniversary of the Emergency was celebrated recently, he said Naidu had even been in jail for around 17 months during the fight against the Emergency.

The state of emergency was imposed by Congress tarnishing the image of the country's Constitution, he said.

The books, including a biography, were published on the eve of Naidu's 75th birthday.

Expressing joy over the release of the biography and two other books, Modi expressed confidence that the books would inspire people and show the right direction for national service.

Naidu's journey from being a farmer's son to holding high positions as a Union minister and vice-president is filled with many experiences, he said.

Naidu chose to take over the rural development ministry in former prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee's cabinet, despite being a senior party leader, because he wanted to serve villages, farmers and the poor, he said.

During Naidu's tenure as Urban Development Minister as a senior cabinet colleague, several initiatives, including the Swachh Bharat Mission and the Smart Cities Mission, were launched, Modi said.

Praising Naidu's eloquence, team spirit, quick wit and spontaneity, he recalled the latter's comment that “ek hath me BJP ka jhanda aur doosre hath me NDA ka agenda” (BJP flag in one hand and NDA agenda in the other hand) during the Vajpayee regime.

During Naidu's tenure as Chairman of the Rajya Sabha, the bill to abolish Article 370 was passed with majesty, dignity and honour, even though the government did not have a majority in the upper house, a he declared.

The BJP has grown into the 'vatvriksh' (banyan tree) it is today, thanks to the efforts of thousands of activists like Naidu, he said.

He hoped that the country would emerge as a developed nation by 2047, when Naidu would celebrate his 100th birthday.

In his response, Naidu thanked the Prime Minister for releasing the books.

Appreciating Modi's efforts for the development of the country, he said skill development is the need of the hour.

“Development and welfare must go hand in hand. We should not indulge in these freebies and then make people lazy. Yes, we must give them a helping hand. You have given free rations to millions of people across the country. This should continue for as long as necessary. But, at the same time, skills development is the need of the hour,” the former vice president said.

Naidu also spoke in favour of promoting Indian languages.

Books published by the Prime Minister include a biography of the former Vice President titled 'Venkaiah Naidu Life in Service', 'Celebrating Bharat, the mission and message of Shri M Venkaiah Naidu as the 13th Vice President of the India”, a photographic chronicle and illustrated biography in Telugu. titled “The Life and Journey of Mahaneta by Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu”.

Venkaiah Naidu, several other leaders and eminent personalities attended the event in Hyderabad.

First publication: June 30, 2024 | 4:02 p.m. EAST




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