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Biden's top allies say he's still the best bet to win against Trump in November

Biden's top allies say he's still the best bet to win against Trump in November


President Joe Biden's top allies came to his defense on several news programs Sunday, acknowledging the president's moderate debate performance but saying he remains the strongest contender against former President Donald Trump in the debate. general election.

“I think he's the only Democrat who can beat Donald Trump,” Democratic Sen. Chris Coons, Biden's campaign co-chair, said in an interview on ABC News This Week. And let me tell you, we had the best day of grassroots fundraising after the debate.

On Sunday, the Biden campaign said it had raised $33 million since the debate, including $26 million in grassroots donations. On Saturday, Biden senior adviser Anita Dunn also touted the campaign’s fundraising numbers during a panel on MSNBC’s The Weekend. She argued that voters appreciated Biden’s focus on the debate’s issues rather than Trump’s rhetoric and personality.

The reality is I think voters experienced this debate a little differently than some insiders may have, Dunn said. On Sunday, Coons also touted voter outreach after the debate.

“The first poll we saw after the debate showed Joe Biden gaining ground over Donald Trump. I understand there is a lot of lament, concern and skepticism in the comments, that's great, it 'is expected,” Coons said.

While some Biden campaign staffers acknowledged his popular support, they also pointed to internal daily polls that mirrored Biden's performance on debate night.

“The president is the first to say it wasn’t his best night,” Biden campaign pollster Molly Murphy said in an interview on Inside with Jen Psaki. “We see it in our polls. It’s something we’ve seen.”

What they also took away from the debate was that a majority of people who watched the debate felt like the president was talking about issues that mattered to them, she added.

Asked whether Biden advisers and the campaign bore any responsibility for Biden's performance, Coons also acknowledged that Biden had a weak debate, but argued that Trump's baseless claims amounted to a horrible performance.

Rep. Nancy Pelosi, a California Democrat who served as speaker of the House, also referenced Trump while acknowledging on CNN's State of the Union that Biden had a bad night.

Asked to respond to a CBS News/YouGov poll from late June showing that 72% of voters do not believe Biden has the mental and cognitive health to serve as president, with a margin of error of 4.2%, Pelosi sought to draw a stark contrast between Biden and Trump.

Well, what do they think of the other guy? Do they think he has the integrity to be president after this performance? » Pelosi said, referring to Trump. Let us not pass judgment on a presidency based on a single debate.

“It’s not about performance in a debate, it’s about performance in a presidency,” she continued. “And I want you to know that the reaction to Donald Trump's lies may be something that television doesn't focus on, but that people dwell on. And to have a debate where you have to spend half of your time denying what he said, because he only knows the truth. On one side of the screen you have integrity. On the other side you have dishonesty.

Rep. Jim Clyburn, D-S.C., another top Biden ally, said the president's poor debate performance does not reflect his presidential record.

“I always say that the best indicator of future behavior is past performance, and when we look at the past performance of these two men who are the favorites and their partners, we get a lot of indication of what their future behavior will be,” Clyburn said on CNN's State of the Union. Joe Biden should therefore continue to run on the basis of this record.

Asked if he understood why some Democrats and independents who were not interested in voting for Trump are now not interested in voting for Biden either after the debate, Clyburn said he would tell them to take take into account Biden's presidential record.

Clyburn argued that Biden should remain in the race despite calls for his resignation, arguing that the president was obligated to combat Trump's false claims during the debate because of the rules set beforehand.

The guy told about 30 lies, and nobody checked it and said it was up to Joe Biden to do it, he said.

The strong defense from key Biden allies comes after his debate performance raised significant concerns within the Democratic Party, with some congressional Democrats and regional editorial boards calling on the president to abandon the presidential race and allow a younger candidate to run instead.

Biden's campaign, however, has tried to reassure the president that he is not going away and remains focused on the next steps after his disappointing debate performance. A senior administration official told NBC News that in several discussions with Biden's top aides and advisers, one main message was delivered: We will weather the storm, as we always have.




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