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Most voters want Biden out of office, but disagree on appropriate alternative poll | US Elections 2024

Most voters want Biden out of office, but disagree on appropriate alternative poll | US Elections 2024


A majority of voters want Joe Biden to step down after his disappointing debate performance, but are not convinced there is another suitable Democratic candidate, new polls show.

In a Morning Consult poll, 60% of respondents, both Republicans and Democrats, said the president should be replaced by his party for the November election, while 11% were unsure.

But the same poll also found that Biden's popularity, at least initially, appeared unaffected by his stumbles and gaffes during Thursday night's debate with presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump.

He maintained a one-point lead, 45 to 44 percent, over Trump, the same margin that Morning Consult found the day after the former president was convicted in May on 34 counts of falsifying business records to attempt to influence the 2016 elections.

Another apparent glimmer of hope for the incumbent came in a separate post-debate Data for Progress poll that found no indication that any other Democrat would fare better against Trump in November.

While Biden trails Trump 48-45 among those polled, every other leading Democratic figure would fare the same or worse in a head-to-head race. Among the prominent names voters were asked about were Vice President Kamala Harris (45-48), Transportation Secretary Pere Buttigieg (44-47), California Gov. Gavin Newsom (44-47) and Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (44-46).

A YouGov poll, meanwhile, found that respondents overwhelmingly believed Trump won the debate, and that 30% of Democrats thought someone other than Biden would give the party the best chance of winning in November.

That figure rises to 49% among all American voters, including Republicans and independents. Conversely, only 13% of Republicans believe that their party's best chance of victory lies in nominating a candidate other than Trump.

One of the most devastating polls for Biden, however, was a Democracy Corps survey of Democratic-leaning voters, who used words such as confused, frail and dementia to describe the president's debate performance, reported Politico.

Voters were surveyed before and after the debate. While 65% said they would vote for Biden before the debate, only 54% said he won the debate after it was over, according to the survey.

Harris, 59, is the obvious choice to replace Biden if he resigns, and has been the subject of growing speculation since the debate.

But Biden's allies insisted the president stood firm and would run and win the election, despite anguished calls from senior party officials and media heavyweights, including The New York Times, for him to step down.

According to the Data for Progress poll, most voters view Biden, who will be 82 at the start of his second term, as too old to run again. 53% say they are concerned about his age and physical and mental health, while 42% say they are more concerned about Trump's criminal conviction, other upcoming trials and threats to democracy.

A CBS poll released Sunday, recorded within two days of the debate, appeared to echo the findings of other surveys. It found that 72% of registered voters did not believe Biden possessed the mental or cognitive health necessary to be able to fulfill his official duties, up from 65% earlier this month.

A detailed analysis of the Morning Consult poll shows that nearly half of Democrats, 47%, want Biden out of the race, compared to 59% of independents and 74% of Republicans. This figure rises to 50% among Democrats when we limit ourselves to those who actually watched the debate.

This poll also suggests there is no clear replacement for Biden. Harris leads the pack, but with just 30% support from Democratic voters, with Newsom the only other potential candidate in double digits, at 20%.

Other candidates cited include Buttigieg at 9% and Whitmer at 5%, as well as a string of other Democratic state governors, Andy Beshear, Roy Cooper, JB Pritzker and Wes Moore, at 3% or less.

Since the debate, Newsom has forcefully defended Biden and insisted he would not challenge the president. Harris also expressed confidence in Biden, saying after the debate that the November presidential election would not be decided in one night in June.




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