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Trump supporters plan to name and shame blacklist of federal officials | Far right (United States)

Trump supporters plan to name and shame blacklist of federal officials |  Far right (United States)


Armed with deep state rhetoric, a conservative-backed group plans to publicly name and shame career government employees they view as hostile to Donald Trump.

This blacklist of officials, which will be published online, aims to advance Trump's broader goals, which, if elected, include eliminating government employees and replacing them with loyalists.

The group behind the list is the American Accountability Foundation (AAF), which was founded in 2020 and describes its mission as working tirelessly to expose the secrets of the left and hold Biden accountable. A 2022 New Yorker profile described the AAF as a conservative dark money group and slime machine.

In recent years, the AAF has focused its efforts on Biden’s failed political appointments. Now, according to a press release, the AAF is getting to work on a new mission: the Sovereignty 2025 Project.

Backed by a $100,000 grant from the Heritage Foundation, an influential right-wing think tank, the AAF will compile information, including social media posts, on officials it suspects of obstructing and sabotaging a future conservative president. They plan to release files on these nonpublic individuals, starting with the Department of Homeland Security, and expose them to intense scrutiny.

WE DECLAR WAR ON THE DEEP STATE, AAF wrote in a Twitter/X post earlier this week.

News of the plan has reportedly set off alarm bells in the public service community, and is the latest sign that Trump and his allies are seeking to seize control of Washington, D.C., which they believe has been overrun by their opponents.

The American Federation of Government Employees, the largest federal employee union (and a Biden supporter), has described Sovereignty Project 2025 as a bullying tactic aimed at threatening federal workers and sowing fear.

Public officials are required to swear an oath to the Constitution, they wrote on X. It is not a test of loyalty to a president.

The Sovereignty 2025 project has also drawn comparisons to the anti-communist blacklisting techniques used during the McCarthy era.

Donald Moynihan, a political scientist and McCourt Professor at Georgetown University's School of Public Policy, says the comparisons are valid and that the AAF's plans reveal a deep animosity toward state actors seen as disloyal to the party and party ideology, as well as a desire to punish those actors.

During the first Trump administration, Trump and his allies made no secret of their animosity toward nonpolitical officials they believed were working inside to obstruct his policies, particularly on immigration. Those suspicions were increasingly integrated into nebulous conspiracies about the deep state, a cabal of government officials with sinister intentions.

Trump used to talk about the swamp, and that rhetoric has become more acerbic and negative since it merged with the deep state debate, Moynihan said. It is also because he sees the state as a threat to him personally.

Moynihan says it is also important to view Project Sovereignty 2025 in the context of broader patterns of intimidation against individuals across all institutions and levels of government.

Librarians, teachers, professors, public health officials, and election officials, who were previously anonymous and left to do their jobs, now have to worry about being doxxed, accused of being disloyal and part of the deep state, Moynihan said. I think that’s really quite new.

The Sovereignty Project would lay the groundwork for Heritage Foundations 2025, a 900-page plan that Trump must follow if elected. Plan 2025, which explicitly makes Christian nationalism a priority for Trump, also seeks to reorganize the federal government. Critics have called it authoritarian in nature.

One of the priorities of the 2025 bill is the implementation of Schedule F, which would reclassify tens of thousands of career civil servants as political appointees. This measure would allow Trump to carry out mass layoffs and replace these employees with his supporters.

In October 2020, Trump introduced Annex F by executive order, which was later rescinded by Biden. Earlier this year, the Biden administration implemented additional protections to protect federal employees from political firings. Trump promised to reimplement Schedule F on his first day in office: “I will break up the deep state,” he said in a statement last year.

At first glance, it would be easy to dismiss the AAF as a fringe organization steeped in state conspiracies. But that is not the case. The AAF is led by Tom Jones, former legislative director for Wisconsin Republican Sen. Ron Johnson. Jones also led opposition research for Sen. Ted Cruz’s unsuccessful 2016 presidential bid.

This isn't just some oddball in his basement, Moynihan said. This is someone funded by the Heritage Foundation, who has worked with Republican senators, and is part of the broader Republican network.

Jones and AAF did not respond to the Guardian's request for comment.

Some of the AAF's tactics in recent years offer a glimpse of what Project Sovereignty 2025 might look like. For example, they haven't just targeted Biden's highest-profile nominees for cabinet and court seats. They have also attacked lesser-known political figures, whose relative obscurity makes them particularly vulnerable to smears, which are then published on the website along with their photos.

The AAF also has a history of disproportionately targeting women and people of color. According to the New Yorker, in 2022, more than a third of the 29 successful applicants were people of color, and nearly 60% were women.

Those kinds of lists create more intimidation, Moynihan said. More fear and more consequences when these actors have access to the power to potentially fire people, in addition to intimidating them.




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