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Imran will not be released until current leaders are in power, says Fawad – Journal

Imran will not be released until current leaders are in power, says Fawad – Journal


GUJAR KHAN: Continuing his criticism of his former political party, former PTI spokesperson Fawad Chaudhry on Sunday asserted that there was no chance of former Prime Minister Imran Khan being released of prison as long as the current leadership held the reins of the party.

In a video message shared over the weekend, Mr Chaudhry, who left the PTI in May 2023, said the current leadership had no political strategy or the ability to get Mr Khan out of prison.

His remarks are the latest in a series of criticisms leveled at the current PTI leadership over the past week, including Hamid Khan and Information Secretary Raoof Hassan.

In the latest video, the former PTI leader said he has received messages and calls from several friends, asking him not to criticise the leadership as it is weakening the party.

Former party spokesman calls for wider access to jailed founder

Ok, I'm not going to criticize. The problem is that I don't see even a 1 in 100 chance that Imran Khan will come out [of prison] as long as this leadership is there.

He also questioned those who dismiss his condemnation as opportunism as the party emerges from a difficult period.

Tell me, where are the good days? Currently, I am facing 47 cases…We are facing two new cases if we post a tweet or say something, Mr. Chaudhry said, contrasting with the luxury available to those who come from Peshawar to Lahore to attend gatherings and leave without suffering consequences.

He added that the hardships were not over for him, Mr Khan or other jailed PTI leaders like Ejaz Chaudhry, Yasmin Rashid, Mian Mehmoodur Rasheed and Omar Cheema.

Referring to allegations made by former Rawalpindi Commissioner Liaquat Chattha over election fraud, Mr. Chaudhry claimed that leaders such as Hamid Khan thwarted the PTI's response under the pretext that the party should not stand against Chief Justice Qazi Faez Isa since he was a good man.

He further accused Mr Hamid, a senior lawyer, of handing over the entire election to the PML-N and the PPP simply because of their personal connections.

The problem is… top leaders like Shah Mehmood Qureshi are not released, while Parvez Elahi [who has been released] is yet to become [politically] active again, Mr Chaudhry said, adding that unless senior leaders like Asad Qaiser, Hammad Azhar and Aslam Iqbal are brought to the forefront, the PTI founding chairman will not be released from prison.

He added that the leaders are misleading the workers into believing that Mr Khan will be released after securing acquittal in the cases brought before the courts.

Do the courts have the power to release Imran Khan, the former minister asked rhetorically, hinting that the decision to release Mr Khan lies with the establishment.

Later, speaking to Geo News, Mr. Chaudhry said that the current PTI leadership should also allow others to approach Imran in jail.

These leaders are not letting Imran Khan in to keep their business model working, he said.

Responding to these claims, PTI Information Secretary Mr. Hasan said that Imran Khan had explicitly barred PTI leaders from engaging with former party members, including Mr. Chaudhry.

Interestingly, Mr Chaudhry is not the only one to have publicly expressed his disapproval of the party leaders' policies.

Leaders such as Shahryar Afridi, Shandana Gulzar and Sher Afzal Marwat have also gone public with their grievances against the party leadership, particularly regarding their failure to secure Mr Khan's release.

Published in Dawn, July 1, 2024




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