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Venkaiah Naidu is an inspiration for youth, says PM Modi

Venkaiah Naidu is an inspiration for youth, says PM Modi


Prime Minister Narendra Modi to release three books on the life and journey of former Vice President M. Venkaiah Naidu via video conference on Sunday (June 30, 2024).

Prime Minister Narendra Modi launches three books on the life and journey of former Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu via video conference on Sunday, June 30, 2024. | Photo Credit: PTI

Launching three books on the life and work of former Vice President Venkaiah Naidu through video conference on Sunday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said Mr Naidu's life journey is an inspiration for the younger generation. The programme was organised in Hyderabad on the eve of Mr Naidu's 75th birthday.

Mr Modi said Mr Naidu's life was a perfect insight into the amalgamation of ideas, vision and personality. No one can match Mr. Naidu's level of wit, spontaneity, quick response and one-liners, the Prime Minister said, remembering his long association with Mr. Naidu in the BJP and the Cabinet. Union.

Mr. Modi published three books on this occasion Venkaiah Naidu: life in servicea biography written by the former editor-in-chief of The Hindus Hyderabad edition, S. Nagesh Kumar; Celebrating India: Shri M Venkaiah Naidu's Mission and Message as the 13th Vice President of India, a photographic chronicle produced by IV Subba Rao, former secretary to the Vice President of India; And Mahaneta: the life and journey of Shri M. Venkaiah Naiduan illustrated biography in Telugu written by Sanjay Kishore.

The Prime Minister said that Mr Naidu's 75 years had been extraordinary and had witnessed magnificent events. He added that the three books would become a source of inspiration for the people while illuminating the right path to follow in serving the nation.

Mr. Modi said he had the opportunity to work with the former Vice President for a long period since Mr. Naidu became national president of the BJP, followed by his senior role in the Cabinet, of his tenure as Vice President of India. , and as Chairman of the Rajya Sabha. One can imagine the wealth of experience that a person from a small village can have accumulated while holding such important positions. Even I learned a lot from Venkaiah-Mehe added.

The Prime Minister expressed delight at the current situation of the BJP in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana compared to what it was decades ago without any solid foundation and said that despite these shortcomings, Mr Naidu had made every effort as a student activist of the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad and worked for the nation. He said Mr Naidu was one of those brave men who fought the Emergency and that was why he considered Mr Naidu a true friend.

He said that as the Rural Development Minister in the government led by late Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Mr Naidu had wanted to serve the villages, the poor and the farmers, and as the Union Minister for Urban Development in the first Modi government, he had played a visionary role in implementing schemes like the Swachh Bharat Mission, the Smart City Mission and the Amrit Yojana.

Praising Mr. Naidu for his gentle manners, eloquence and wit, the Prime Minister reiterated that no one could match the former BJP president's level of wit, spontaneity, quickness and common sense. In 2014, he introduced the acronym Making of Developed India for MODI, Mr. Modi said.




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