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PM Modi releases three books on life and journey of former Vice President Venkaiah Naidu

PM Modi releases three books on life and journey of former Vice President Venkaiah Naidu


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NEW DELHI – Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday released three books on the life and journey of former Vice President M. Venkaiah Naidu on the eve of his 75th birthday through video conferencing.

The books published by the Prime Minister include the biography of the former Vice President titled Venkaiah Naidu Life in Service, authored by S Nagesh Kumar, former editor of The Hindu, Hyderabad edition; Celebrating Bharat The Mission and Message of M Venkaiah Naidu as the 13th Vice President of India, a photographic chronicle compiled by Dr IV Subba Rao, former Secretary to the Vice President of India; and illustrated biography in Telugu titled Mahaneta Life and Journey of M. Venkaiah Naidu authored by Sanjay Kishore.

Prime Minister Modi noted that Mr. Venkaiah Naidu will be celebrating his 75th birthday on July 1 and said, “It has been an extraordinary 75 years and includes some magnificent stops. »

The Prime Minister expressed confidence that these books will become a source of inspiration for the people while illuminating the right path to serve the nation. He said he had the opportunity to work with the former vice president for a long time.

One can imagine the wealth of experience that a person from a small village can have accumulated while holding such important positions. Even I learned a lot from Venkaiah ji, the Prime Minister said.

Prime Minister Modi said Venkaiah Naidu's life is a perfect insight into the fusion of ideas, vision and personality. He also expressed delight at the current situation of the BJP and the Jana Sangh in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana compared to what it was decades ago without any strong base.

Despite such shortcomings, Naidu has strived to play his role as ABVP Karyakarta with the ideology of Nation First and has decided to achieve something for the nation, the Prime Minister said. He also praised Naidu for fighting tooth and nail against the Emergency imposed 50 years ago in the country, despite being imprisoned for about 17 months.

PM Modi said that Naidu was one of those brave hearts who was tested during the wrath of the Emergency and that is why he considers Naidu as a true friend. PM Modi said that Naidu also proved himself when he got the opportunity to be a part of the Vajpayee government where he chose to become the Union Rural Development Minister.

Naidu ji wanted to serve villages, poor and farmers, PM Modi said. PM Modi said the former Vice President also worked as Union Minister during his first term for Urban Development and praised his commitment and vision for modern Indian cities.

Praising the gentleness, eloquence and wit of the former Vice President, the Prime Minister recalled that no one can match Venkaiah Naidu's level of wit, spontaneity, quickness of retorts and witticisms. PM Modi also recalled the slogan coined by Naidu during the formation of Atal Bihari Vajpayees' coalition government, Ek haath mein BJP ka jhanda, aur dusre haath mein NDA ka agenda (The party flag in one hand and the agenda of the National Democratic Alliance in the other).

In 2014, the former Vice President also introduced the acronym Making of Developed India for MODI. The Prime Minister said he was surprised by Venkaiah's thoughts, prompting him to praise his style once in the Rajya Sabha where he said there was depth, seriousness, vision, rhythm, bounce and wisdom in the former Vice President's words.

The Prime Minister also lauded the positive environment created by Naidu during his tenure as Chairman of the Rajya Sabha and highlighted the various important decisions taken by the House. Recalling the introduction of the Bill to revoke Article 370 in the Rajya Sabha before its introduction in the Lok Sabha, the Prime Minister lauded Naidu's experienced leadership in passing such a sensitive Bill while maintaining the decorum of the House.

The Prime Minister wished Naidu a long, active and healthy life. PM Modi also shed light on the emotional side of Venkaiah's nature and informed that he never let adversity affect his decision-making. He also highlighted his simple way of living and his special way of staying in touch with people.

PM Modi also recalled the time spent at Venkaiah's residence during the festivities. The Prime Minister concluded his speech by recalling and reciting a few lines from a poem he had dedicated to Naidu in the Rajya Sabha. PM Modi once again congratulated and wished former Vice President Venkaiah Naidu 75 years of his life. PM Modi also expressed confidence that a developed India (Viksit Bharat) would celebrate its century of freedom in 2047 while Naidu would celebrate his centenary. (IANS)





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