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Xi Jinping and his 10 Party membership requests

Xi Jinping and his 10 Party membership requests


This photo was taken in 1972 when Xi Jinping returned to Beijing to see his parents from Liangjiahe village where he worked as an educated youth. [Photo/Xinhua]

Fifty years ago, in the small village of Liangjiahe in Shaanxi Province, northwest China, a 20-year-old man joined the Chinese Communist Party. It was the first step in Xi Jinping's professional journey that would see him reach the highest level. leadership position in the world's largest political party.

In 1969, 15-year-old Xi Jinping arrived in Liangjiahe as part of a campaign that introduced tens of millions of educated urban youth to rural life and work. He stayed in Liangjiahe for seven years, working and living alongside farmers. Villagers described him as a “wonderful, hard-working young man.” He gained the trust and approval of the villagers with his rich experience and knowledge, with even the elderly seeking his advice.

It was also his years in Liangjiahe that taught Xi the people-centered philosophy, strengthening his faith in the Party.

As a young aspirant for political progress, Xi submitted his first application to join the Party in 1973. However, his journey to join the Party was not smooth.

This photo shows Xi Jinping and two other people allowed to join the Party. [Photo/]

Due to the political circumstances at the time, Xi's candidacy was not immediately approved. Liang Yuming, then Party chief of Liangjiahe Village, was even reprimanded for helping Xi submit his candidacy.

Xi Jinping did not give in. His faith in the CCP and his faith in fighting for the people's happiness were rooted in his heart. He applied again and again and again – in just 6 months, he wrote 10 letters in total.

Ultimately, the respect and trust he had earned from the villagers proved crucial. Xi's candidacy was eventually accepted. He joined the Party in 1974 and was later elected Party chief of Liangjiahe Village.

As Party secretary of Liangjiahe village, Xi Jinping launched a series of social initiatives, including building a dam to protect farmland from flooding and building a methane reservoir to provide villagers with gas for their stoves and lighting, a first in Shaanxi. By establishing a blacksmith commune, a consignment office, a sewing commune and a factory, organizing literacy classes and guiding villagers in digging wells, Xi Jinping's efforts have transformed the lives of villagers in Liangjiahe.

“As a people's official, I have my roots deep in the northern Shaanxi Plateau because it is there that I cultivated my steadfast mission: to do practical things for the people,” Xi wrote of his years in Liangjiahe.

From rural Party branch secretary to general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, Xi has remained true to the oath he took when he joined the Party: “Be loyal to the Party, work hard, fight for communism throughout my life, be ready at any time to sacrifice everything for the Party and the people.”




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