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Trump seeks to prolong debate momentum in critical period before Republican convention

Trump seeks to prolong debate momentum in critical period before Republican convention
Trump seeks to prolong debate momentum in critical period before Republican convention



As nerves grew ahead of the first general election debate of the cycle, some close to Donald Trump wondered whether the former president might announce his running mate from the podium or shortly afterward if the evening took a turn for the worse.

The wild card scenario was one of several post-debate distraction ideas floated by Trump allies still reeling from the Republicans' first unruly debate appearance of 2020. But that card would ultimately be left in the deck.

Rather than dealing with the fallout from Trump's performance at Thursday's event, the former president and his team now face an unexpected challenge: keeping the focus on President Joe Biden while navigating a busy sprint toward next month's Republican National Convention, a period in which Trump will be sentenced for his felony convictions and must choose a running mate. The 81-year-old outgoing president's shattering confidence struggles engulfed the post-debate speech, and Democrats' laments about the presumptive nominees' ability to fight threaten to overshadow Biden's campaign for the foreseeable future.

During a victory lap at a rally in Chesapeake, Virginia, on Friday, Trump called Biden grossly incompetent while mocking the president's preparation for the weeklong debate at Camp David.

He studied so hard he didn't know what he was doing, Trump said.

Behind the scenes, Trump advisers are mulling how best to capitalize on Biden’s disappointing showing, hoping to shift the momentum of a race that has been impervious to outside forces for months. Asked whether clips of Biden from Thursday night would appear in upcoming ads, Trump campaign manager Chris LaCivitat told Fox News: Duh.

Trump gave further insight into their thinking during Friday's campaign stop, limiting his attacks on Biden's appearance and insisting that his opponents' age was not a factor in the resulting from the debate. The remarks in Virginia closely match the message that allies have urged Trump to adhere to as the candidates move closer to November.

No amount of rest or manipulation could help him defend his atrocious record, Trump said. It is not defensible.

Yet even as he seeks to maintain focus on Biden's shortcomings during the debates, Trump is also entering a critical three-week period full of potentially race-defining moments that could further shift the stakes of the race. election.

The U.S. Supreme Court is expected to decide Monday whether the former president has absolute immunity for crimes he allegedly committed while in office, a decision that could determine the fate of special counsel Jack Smith's case against Trump for election subversion.

Trump’s team celebrated Friday the legal and political implications of a separate high court ruling that found federal prosecutors overreached in charging hundreds of Jan. 6, 2021, rioters with obstruction, a charge Smith also made against the former president. While unlikely to significantly alter Trump’s case, Trump’s team plans to campaign on the decision to bolster its baseless claims that Biden’s Justice Department is targeting his Republican predecessor and his supporters.

Then, on July 11, Trump is scheduled to be sentenced for all 34 felony convictions handed to him last month by a Manhattan jury. The judge overseeing the case has the discretion to hit the former president with a range of sanctions, from community service and probation to fines and even prison.

The Republican convention in Milwaukee will begin just four days later. And before Trump accepts his party’s nomination on July 18, he will also have to choose a running mate, a decision made less urgent but no less momentous by Thursday’s debate.

Leveraging these moments offers Trump the opportunity to capitalize on media coverage beyond the debate and further strengthen his campaign coffers.

Before the debate even ended, Trump's campaign sent his supporters a text message saying he had cleared Biden along with a link to buy new clothes. In the hours after Trump left the stage, his team considered how to continue to cash in while relishing Democratic panic about the situation. Biden appearance.

Trump's campaign team also predicts that next month's sentencing will lead to a new wave of donations related to his legal troubles, after he raised more than $50 million online in the 24 hours after his conviction, eroding Biden's financial advantage. The GOP convention, traditionally a key political and financial marker in presidential campaigns, is also expected to bring in more.

The question remains as to when he will reveal his choice for vice president.

Top Trump advisers have dismissed speculation that an announcement could come during debate week.

However, those same people have argued that Trump could make his choice before the convention, with some telling CNN that it is more likely that his decision will come sooner than the deadline he has set for announcing his choice in Milwaukee.

“I always thought this decision would be made before the convention,” said one Trump ally. “They’re all about raising money off this announcement, and choosing a vice president is a special moment in itself.”

Democrats, meanwhile, appear eager to shift the conversation from the debate to the upcoming Republican vice presidential election.

The party has spent weeks researching the backgrounds of potential candidates, publicizing their past positions on abortion and editing clips of their previous critiques of Trump.

After Thursday's event, the Democratic National Committee blasted one of the leading contenders for the job, North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum, for defending Trump's repeated refusal to say he would accept the election results of november. Burgum, in an interview with NBC from the debate hall, repeated Trump's conspiracies about the 2020 election.

Just like the rest of Trump's vice presidential contenders, Burgum is ready and willing to push Trump's dangerous attacks on our democracy and betray our core values ​​as Americans if it helps him join the losing ticket of Trump in November, DNC spokesperson Alex Floyd said in a statement.




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