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Chinese military newspaper supports Xi Jinping's anti-corruption campaign after two former defense ministers face corruption charges

Chinese military newspaper supports Xi Jinping's anti-corruption campaign after two former defense ministers face corruption charges


China's military's official newspaper pledged loyalty to President Xi Jinping and expressed support for his anti-corruption campaign, days after Beijing announced two former defense ministers were under investigation .

The PLA Daily called on the military to unite closely around the leadership of the Communist Party, with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, and thoroughly study and implement the Chinese leader's political doctrine.


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He also pledged to deepen education in party discipline, promote the spirit of thorough self-revolution, and work to eradicate the ground and conditions that breed corruption.

The article was published on Monday, the 103rd anniversary of the Communist Party.

Li was abruptly removed from his post in October, with no explanation given at the time.

The PLA Daily editorial stated that the party's absolute leadership over the military is the foundation of building the people's army and the soul of strengthening the military.

The Party leadership has led the entire military to persist in the path of building a strong military with Chinese characteristics, thus revitalizing, reshaping and developing the people's military in the new era, the article said.

The pledges echo comments Xi made last month at a Central Military Commission (CMC) policy work conference with key military officials and political commissars.


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At the meeting in Yanan, a city in Shaanxi province where Mao Zedong was headquartered for more than a decade, Xi stressed the importance of absolute loyalty and said the People's Liberation Army must eliminate conditions that breed corruption.

Xi, who is chairman of the CMC, said weapons should always be in the hands of those who are loyal and reliable to the party. And we must make it clear that there is no place for corrupt elements in the military.

The PLA Daily said the leaders united and led the party, the armed forces and the people to effectively respond to the serious and complex international situation and the immense risks and challenges ahead.

He praised Xi's leadership and political doctrine for providing scientific guidance for the major changes in the new era.

He said the Two Establishments, a doctrine establishing Xi's status as China's main leader and placing his political doctrine at the center, had helped propel the party and the country to achieve historic achievements and undergo changes. historical. They represent the greatest certainty, confidence and guarantee to overcome all difficulties and uncertainties.




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