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People like Naidu make our nation better and more vibrant, says PM Modi

People like Naidu make our nation better and more vibrant, says PM Modi


New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday welcomed former Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu on his 75th birthday, hailing his dedication, adaptability and unwavering commitment to public service.

Modi shared an article he wrote about Naidu, a veteran BJP leader before becoming vice president, as he noted that his background illustrates his unique ability to navigate the complexities of Indian politics with ease and humility.

He added, “I hope young Karyakartas, elected representatives and all those who have a passion to serve will learn from his life. It is people like him who make our nation better and more vibrant.”

Naidu's birthday is an occasion to celebrate a leader whose life journey showcases his dedication, adaptability and unwavering commitment to public service, he said, adding that his eloquence, wit and unwavering focus on development issues earned him cross-party respect.

Modi recalled their long association and said he had learnt a lot from him.

He said that if there is one thing that remained common in Naidu's life, it was his love for people.

Hailing his ideological commitment, he said his brush with activism and politics began in Andhra Pradesh, with student politics as a student leader.

He said, “Given his talent, oratorical and organizational skills, he would have been well received in any political party, but he preferred to work with the Sangh Parivar because he was inspired by the vision of Nation First. He was associated with the RSS, ABVP and later strengthened the Jana Sangh and the BJP. »

The Prime Minister also praised the role of the former BJP president in the anti-Emergency movement and agitation against the dismissal of the NT Ramarao government in Andhra Pradesh.

Modi said Naidu, known for his witty wordplay, is certainly a wordsmith, but he is also a “worker”.

He said, “No less than a stalwart like NTR noticed his talent and wanted him to join his party, but Venkaiah garu refused to deviate from his core ideology. He led the party in the Assembly and became the president of AP BJP.” In 2000, when the then Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee wanted to induct Naidu into the government as a minister, the latter indicated his preference for the rural development ministry.

“This left everyone, including Atalji, perplexed. But Venkaiah garu was clear: he was a kisan putra (farmer's son); he spent his early years in villages. Hence, his area of ​​interest was rural development,” Modi said in the article. -top.

The Prime Minister said that as Vice President, he had taken various steps that enhanced the dignity of his office. He had been an outstanding Chairman of the Rajya Sabha, ensuring that youth, women and new MPs were given an opportunity to express themselves.

When the decision to scrap Articles 370 and 35(A) was presented in the Rajya Sabha, Naidu was the Chairman, Modi recalled.

“I am sure it was an emotional moment for him – the young boy who was drawn to Syama Prasad Mookerjee's dream of a united India, to the presidency, when it was finally realised,” he said.

Published July 1, 2024, 10:59 a.m. EAST




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