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Rahul Gandhi, Reign of Fear, Narendra Modi, Rahul Gandhi, Indian Prime Minister, National News, Latest News

Rahul Gandhi, Reign of Fear, Narendra Modi, Rahul Gandhi, Indian Prime Minister, National News, Latest News


New Delhi: Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Monday accused Prime Minister Narendra Modi of leading a “reign of fear” for the past 10 years and said scaring others and spreading fear is against the “spirit of India”.

“Narendra Modi has been ruling the ‘reign of fear’ for the last 10 years! By taking control of all agencies, institutions and media, BJP has only spread fear in every section of society. Farmers are afraid of black laws, students are afraid of document leaks, youth are afraid of unemployment, small traders are afraid of bad Goods and Services Tax, demonetisation and raids, patriots are afraid of projects like Agniveer, people of Manipur are afraid of civil war,” Rahul Gandhi posted on X.

Rahul Gandhi added that scaring others and spreading fear is against the “spirit of India”. “That is why the people of the country have wrested majority from the BJP by giving a mandate against the 'fear package'. Scaring others and spreading fear is against the spirit of India. All our religions also teach the same thing: not to scare others,” he added.

The Congress leader said that as the leader of the opposition, it was his responsibility to bring the united voice of India to the House, above my personal aspirations and opinions. “And we expect the government to consider the opposition as an ally and not an enemy, and work together in the interest of the country. Jai Hind,” he said. Meanwhile, Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra also shared a video of Rahul Gandhi and Prime Minister Modi quoting Rahul Gandhi's speech in the Lok Sabha.

“Narendra Modi does not represent the entire Hindu society. BJP is not the entire Hindu society, RSS is not the entire Hindu society. This is not the BJP’s deal,” Priyanka Gandhi said. The Lok Sabha witnessed an uproar over Rahul Gandhi’s remarks on the Hindu community, with Union Home Minister Amit Shah saying the Congress leader should apologise for his remarks. Participating in the debate on the motion of thanks on the President’s speech, Rahul Gandhi targeted the BJP-led government and alleged that there had been a “systematic attack” on the idea of ​​India.

“There has been a systematic and large-scale attack on the idea of ​​India, the Constitution and on the people who resisted the attack on the Constitution. Many of us have been personally attacked. Some of the leaders are still in jail. All those who resisted the idea of ​​concentration of power and wealth, aggression against the poor, the Dalits and the minorities have been crushed… I was attacked on the orders of the Indian government, on the orders of the Prime Minister of India… The most enjoyable part of all this was the 55 hours of interrogation by ED…” he said.

“Abhayamudra is the symbol of the Congress… Abhayamudra is the gesture of fearlessness, the gesture of solace and security, which dispels fear and grants divine protection and bliss in Hinduism, Islam, Sikhism, Buddhism and other Indian religions… All our great men have spoken about non-violence and elimination of fear… But those who call themselves Hindus only talk about violence, hatred, lies… Aap Hindu ho hi nahi,” the Congress leader said.

Home Minister Amit Shah targeted Rahul Gandhi and said it was wrong to associate violence with religion. “The opposition leader categorically said that those who call themselves Hindus talk about violence and commit violence. He does not know that millions of people proudly call themselves Hindus. Associating violence with religion is wrong. He should apologise,” Amit Shah said.

Rahul Gandhi also said that the BJP does not represent the entire Hindu society. “Narendra Modi does not represent the entire Hindu society. The BJP is not the entire Hindu society, the RSS is not the entire society, this is not the contract of the BJP,” Rahul Gandhi said.

Rahul Gandhi also alleged that ministers were afraid to greet him in the presence of Prime Minister Modi. The Prime Minister criticised Rahul Gandhi for his remarks and said that democracy has taught him to take democracy seriously. “Democracy and the Constitution have taught me that I have to take the Leader of the Opposition seriously,” PM Modi said. Rahul Gandhi, who delivered his first speech as the Leader of the Opposition in the Lok Sabha, also attacked the government over the Agniveer project. (ANI)




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