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Xi Jinping in Central Asia: Diplomacy and regional cooperation at the heart of the SCO summit – IN THE FOREGREED

Xi Jinping in Central Asia: Diplomacy and regional cooperation at the heart of the SCO summit – IN THE FOREGREED
Xi Jinping in Central Asia: Diplomacy and regional cooperation at the heart of the SCO summit – IN THE FOREGREED


Chinese President Xi Jinping will attend the 24th meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in Astana, Kazakhstan, and, at the invitation of President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev and President Emomali Rahmon of Tajikistan, will pay state visits to the two countries. The events, announced by the Chinese Foreign Ministry, will take place from Tuesday to Saturday, as reported by the Chinese newspaper Global Times.

Geopolitical implications

The visits come amid rising geopolitical tensions and US attempts to fragment the global order. Observers say Xi's visits underscore the importance China attaches to neighborhood diplomacy and are aimed at strengthening relations with Central Asian countries, all of which are China's strategic partners.

Kazakhstan, in particular, plays a crucial role as it is where the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) was proposed in 2013. Cooperation under the initiative has transformed Central Asia into a vital regional transportation hub, and Xi's visits could further promote bilateral and regional cooperation.

The SCO Summit

The SCO summit, which will be held on July 3-4 in Astana, will be a crucial moment to discuss emerging challenges and geopolitical rivalries. China will assume the rotating presidency of the SCO after the summit. Chinese analysts, the Global Times reports, point out that the summit sends a clear message to the Western world: emerging economies need to be listened to and represented, and global cooperation will not be hindered by the West's obstructionist maneuvers.

At the summit, Kazakhstan will propose the SCO Initiative on Global Unity for Just and Harmonious Peace, which aims to consolidate international efforts to resolve conflicts. This initiative is in line with the Global Security Initiative proposed by China, reflecting the constructive contributions of both countries to regional stability and peace.

SCO expansion and economic cooperation

Belarus is expected to become a new member of the SCO at the Astana summit, marking a new phase in the organization's expansion. Belarus' inclusion will increase the SCO's influence on the international stage, underlining the growing importance of economic cooperation between its members.

Counter-terrorism will be another central theme of the summit, with discussions on coordinating security policies to combat terrorism, separatism and extremism in the region.

China-Central Asia Relations

Kazakhstan, the birthplace of the BRI, has enjoyed intense cooperation with China. Since 2022, President Xi has visited Kazakhstan several times, a sign of the strength of bilateral relations. Tajikistan also enjoys a strategic partnership with China, and Xi’s visits underscore the importance of neighborhood diplomacy.

China has established strategic relations with the five Central Asian states, fostering a community with a shared future. Strengthening cooperation under the BRI and SCO initiatives is crucial for regional development in sectors such as economy, transportation, clean energy and technology.

Cooperation and stability

During these visits, agreements are expected to be reached on new infrastructure connectivity projects, such as the construction of the Trans-Caspian International Transport Corridor (TITR), also known as the Middle Corridor, which could provide the most convenient passage from China to Europe amid growing geopolitical tensions.

In summary, Xi Jinping's visits to Kazakhstan and Tajikistan and his participation in the SCO summit strengthen China's role as a regional and global leader, promoting cooperation and stability in a period of increasing international complexity.




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