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For the good of the country, Donald Trump should step down

For the good of the country, Donald Trump should step down


Joe Biden's debate performance was abysmal.

There's no point in sugarcoating things too much, because no one will be able to convince you that what you saw last Thursday night was anything other than an old man who sometimes has trouble expressing himself. If you've spent time with elderly grandparents, you've seen this before.

And, of course, in today's reactionary media landscape, where everyone is like, “Oh my God, the world is on fire,” the national response was expected and swift.

What will the Democrats do?

Democrats in disarray!

Difficult discussions among Democrats about Biden.

And then there was the big story, from the New York Times: To serve his country, Biden should quit the race.

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All because an 81-year-old man was not an eloquent speaker for about half an hour on a Thursday in June.

In all of these stumbles and blunders, did Biden ever say he would not accept the results of an American election? Did he call the dead soldiers morons and/or losers? Did he sexually assault a woman? Did he commit 34 felonies? Was he charged with nearly 60 other crimes?

No? Was it the other guy? The one you don't ask to drop out of the race?


Now, I know some of you are thinking that this is clearly a case of that kind of “whataboutism” that progressives are always talking about. But you are wrong. This is not whataboutism. This is reality.

And the reality is this: On one side, you have an elderly man who has experienced the normal mental decline that comes with age, but who has led the country admirably, including leading the world in the post-COVID economic recovery and unabashedly for four years. On the other side, you have a morally bankrupt, narcissistic criminal who refused to leave office after losing by over 8 million votes and led a full-blown coup attempt against this country.

(It is absolute insanity to me that the media and all Democrats are not talking every day about Trump and his minions concocting a scheme to use fake voters to undermine the Electoral College vote and overturn a free and fair election. It happened. It is documented. That, kids, when used in combination with repeatedly questioning the validity of the election and encouraging your supporters to march to the Capitol to stop the vote count, is the very definition of a coup.)

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So let me put this in writing where the goats can get it: I would vote for the ghost of Joe Biden rather than vote for Trump, or not vote.

Yes, I wish Biden would have stepped aside a few months ago and allowed another Democrat to win the nomination. I think there are several who could destroy Trump in the debates. I mean, my goodness, the response to Trump’s “I have not slept with a porn star” line should have been the equivalent of a political nuclear bomb.

But it doesn't matter. It's too late now, and so it's our choice. And there really is no other choice.

Because nothing that old Sleepy Joe has ever done could come close to matching the madness of four years of Trump. Because it wasn’t just the big stuff. It was the everyday stuff.

The guy tried to use a marker to draw an extra hurricane path simply because he misspoke. He nearly died of COVID and then whistled all the way up the steps of the White House trying to pretend not to breathe like a little kid who almost got hit by a car. He revealed military secrets to the Russians in a White House meeting. For God’s sake, he wanted to inject humans with bleach to kill COVID.

And things didn't get better.

In recent months, he has publicly stated that he would like to be a dictator for a day. He has promised oil executives that he would reduce regulations in exchange for massive contributions.

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And then there was the shark and battery story, a rambling fever dream in which Trump concocts a fantasy about a battery-powered boat sinking under the weight of the battery, which somehow produces an electric current in the water, creating a real dilemma because there’s a shark swimming nearby. But perhaps the craziest and most telling part of the story is that Trump claims that no one ever thought about this question, but that he did because of his MIT connection.

This relationship? His uncle taught there in the 1940s.

Nothing, absolutely nothing that Joe Biden has said, hasn't said, or has stammered can even approach this level of insanity.

And that’s not to mention that women are dying in emergency rooms because doctors won’t terminate terminal pregnancies, that student loan debt is finally being addressed in a meaningful way, that hundreds of American soldiers are no longer dying each year in long-botched wars halfway around the world, and that the economy is actually stronger than ever, even after a crippling global pandemic.

In a perfect world, there would be a better and stronger candidate than Joe Biden. But you are in a much better situation than you were four years ago under this guy, and you can be relatively certain that America will still exist when he peacefully leaves office.

It's much better than the alternative.




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