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Jokowi's push to restore religious harmony, as promised – Academia

Jokowi's push to restore religious harmony, as promised – Academia


As President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo’s second term nears its end in October, attacks on religious freedom and opposition to the construction of places of worship continue to rage. From the Greater Jakarta area to remote villages in Riau and Papua, religious minorities are pleading with the government to help them secure their constitutionally guaranteed freedom of belief.

The commitment to improving tolerance in a multi-faith and multi-ethnic Indonesia is in fact stipulated in Joko Widodo's campaign platform, known as Nawacita (nine goals), which was presented during the 2014 presidential election. The third of the nine points focuses on strengthening harmony in the country's diverse society.

Indonesia itself has long been regarded by the international community as an emerging Muslim-majority nation, proud of its heritage of religious tolerance, as evidenced by the presence of various major religions as well as indigenous beliefs.

However, this peaceful coexistence has often been marred by acts of intolerance that gained momentum in the late 1990s, when then-President Suharto emphasized Islam to cling to power, opening the way to friction between different religious and ethnic groups.

An ethno-religious conflict erupted between 1999 and 2002 in the predominantly Christian communities of the Moluccas. The bloody unrest, which left at least 5,000 people dead and caused hundreds of thousands to flee for safety, is believed to have been sparked by racial hatred instigated by unidentified individuals who allegedly insulted Muslims. Another causal factor in the conflict is considered to be a perceived change in the composition of the bureaucracy, as a once predominantly Christian civil service slowly gave way to predominantly Muslim groups.

Decades have passed since that horrific episode in the country’s history, but reports of sectarian conflict continue to dominate headlines. The Setara Institute, a human rights group, noted in its latest annual publication that 329 violations of religious freedom took place in Indonesia last year, with regional governments, police and military personnel primarily responsible.

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Setara also points out that President Jokowi has failed to advance policies to promote freedom of belief that he himself promised at the beginning of his presidential term. On the contrary, regulations that hinder religious freedom continue to exist, both at the central and regional levels.




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