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The Joko Widodo regime violated the people's constitutional rights in a trial before the Extraordinary People's Court.

The Joko Widodo regime violated the people's constitutional rights in a trial before the Extraordinary People's Court.


The Papua Journal – The regime of President Joko Widodo was found guilty of violating the constitutional rights of the people and was no longer eligible to run for president by nine people's judges of the Extraordinary People's Court held on Tuesday (25/06) at Wisma Makara, University of Indonesia, Jakarta.

This activity brought together hundreds of civil society members from various provinces in Indonesia and was watched by thousands of people online via a live broadcast on YouTube for 8 hours.

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The community filed a lawsuit against President Joko Widodo using a constitutional complaint mechanism regarding a series of cases submitted by 9 plaintiffs, supported by statements from 6 witnesses and 4 experts, and reviewed and judged by 9 people's judges.

In addition to President Joko Widodo, the public also sued Puan Maharani as Chairman of the DPR RI and Lanyalla Mahmud Mattalitti as Chairman of the DPD, who have a constitutional obligation to protect democracy and human rights.

Apart from this, ten political parties have authority in the area of ​​legislation passed by the Parliament in 2014, including PDIP, Golkar, Gerindra, Nasdem, PKB, PAN, Hanura, PPP, Democrat and PKS.

Although invitations were sent out before the event, namely Monday 24/05, none of the defendants, including President Joko Widodo, attended the trial and accepted the invitation.

A number of issues were reported and recorded as 'Nawadosa' (nine sins), including social, political, environmental, security, cultural and economic issues.

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The reason is that the public is worried and angry about the government's active actions that violate the people's constitutional rights, such as the normalization of corruption, collusion and nepotism (KKN), the construction of Rempang Eco City, Ulumbu 5-6 Poco Leok PLTP, Kulon Progo Airport, the reclamation of Jakarta Bay, nickel exploration in several areas including the small island of Wawonii Island, deforestation in Papua that threatens the Awyu and Moi indigenous people, the eviction of Taman Sari and Dago Elos, and various other projects and policies that actually harm the community and benefit a few.

Apart from this, there are still many past cases of serious human rights violations that have not yet been resolved, including the 1965-1966 massacre, the 1989 Talangsari incident, the Geudong house tragedy, the Banyuwangi witchcraft massacre, the mysterious shootings, the Munir and Marsinah cases, enforced disappearances of people, the May 98 riots, the Trisakti tragedy, Semanggi 1 and 2, East Timor, Simpang KKA, Abepura case, Wasior Papua, Wamena, Jambo Keupok Aceh, Timang Gajah in Bener Meriah, Paniai, Kanjuruhan stadium tragedy and other crimes against humanity.


Based on the mentioned cases, the trial of the People's Court finally ended with the decision of the panel of judges which was divided into two parts, namely:

Based on sector

States that the accused committed violations of the right to life and constitutes a strong indication of crimes against humanity by manipulating policies aimed at forcibly evicting people/farmers.

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The accused was proven to have institutionalized and normalized violence, violence based on racism, persecution, criminalization and discrimination that led to a shrinking of civil space.

The accused was proven to have violated human rights and undermined democracy by paving the way for serious human rights violations and perpetuating impunity.

States that it has been proven that the accused failed to fulfill his constitutional duties, namely to educate the life of the nation by failing to fulfill the task of ensuring the right of citizens to education, by being actively involved in the commercialization of education and by holding academic positions. freedom.




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