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Prime Minister Narendra Modi addresses MPs at NDA parliamentary meeting: 'Don't behave like Rahul Gandhi'

Prime Minister Narendra Modi addresses MPs at NDA parliamentary meeting: 'Don't behave like Rahul Gandhi'


Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday chaired the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) parliamentary party meeting, in what was his first address to the ruling bloc's MPs in the first session of Parliament since assuming office for a third term.

During the meeting, the Prime Minister advised all NDA MPs not to behave like Congress leader Rahul Gandhi did in the Lok Sabha.

The Prime Minister, referring to the opposition, also said some had become agitated as no Prime Minister after Jawaharlal Nehru has been able to win three consecutive terms, a milestone achieved by a “tea seller”.

The NDA meeting comes amid discussions in the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha on the motion of thanks to Speaker Droupadi Murmu's address in a joint session of Parliament.

After the meeting, Parliamentary Affairs Minister Kiren Rijiju, speaking to reporters, said, “Today, the Prime Minister has given us an important mantraHe said that every MP was elected to the House to serve the nation. No matter which party he belongs to, service to the nation is our first responsibility.

“Every NDA MP should work with the country as the priority. The Prime Minister has also guided us well regarding the conduct of MPs and said that every MP should present the issues of his constituency very well in the House as per the rules. He has also asked us to develop expertise in other major issues of interest,” Rijiju said.

“The Prime Minister also made a request that every MLA, along with his family, should visit the Pradhanmantri Sangrahalaya, behind which there is no political agenda. It was an effort to make the entire country aware of the contribution of each Prime Minister, appreciate it and learn from it,” the Union Minister said.

Speaking to reporters about the meeting, Union Minister and LJP (Ram Vilas) leader Chirag Paswan said, “Learning from the experience of the Prime Minister, when we have seen parliamentary traditions being flouted recently, means a lot. We received his advice on this today.”

Later in the day, Prime Minister Modi is also expected to respond to discussions in both houses.

Official sources told news agency PTI that all members of Parliament from BJP and its allies have been informed about today's meeting and have been asked to attend it.

Although the Prime Minister has addressed NDA MLAs a few times in the past, especially when he was elected as their leader before his three-term term, he usually addresses meetings of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MLAs during the sessions.

The development assumes particular significance as the BJP, for the first time since 2014, lost its majority in the Lok Sabha in the recent elections and is dependent on its allies for continuity in government.

On Monday, the Lok Sabha was adjourned till 11 am on Tuesday.

While Rahul Gandhi has stirred controversy with his remarks on Hinduism, Leader of Opposition in Rajya Sabha Mallikarjun Kharge has accused Prime Minister Narendra Modi of “divisive” speeches during the Lok Sabha elections.

Both the Houses began debate on the motion of thanks for the President's speech as Prime Minister Modi criticised Rahul Gandhi during his speech.

“Calling the entire Hindu community violent is a very serious matter,” Prime Minister Modi said.

Later, Home Minister Amit Shah also demanded an apology from Rahul Gandhi.

While the BJP held a press conference later to denounce Rahul Gandhi's remarks, the Congress also held a press conference in the evening to criticise the ruling party at the Centre.

Published by:

Vani Mehrotra

Published on :

July 2, 2024




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