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Bureaucratic efficiency and digitalization of event licenses support the creative industry

Bureaucratic efficiency and digitalization of event licenses support the creative industry


President Joko Widodo has launched the digitalization of event licensing services to speed up and simplify the processing of event permits in Indonesia. This digitalization is expected to reduce bureaucracy and costs. This step also supports the growth of creative industries and the national economy.

According to data from the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf), the industry meeting, incentive, convention, and exhibition (MICE) will grow by 12-15 percent in the third quarter of 2023. In 2024, it is expected to grow by 20 percent.

Throughout 2023, the largest number of 23,000 tour packages will take place in two cities, namely Jakarta and Bali, including event conferencefestivals and concerts of music by international artists. Implementation process event In Indonesia, there is a need to be more responsive to accommodate the growing interest. One of them is to digitize permits for organizing events or events.

Therefore, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) officially launched the digitalization of implementation licensing services. event to speed up the licensing process in Indonesia. The launch event was held in South Jakarta on Monday (24/6/2024). The Head of State appreciated the existence of the implementation authorization system event integrated or single online submission (OSS). It is hoped that the digitalization of the licensing process will make it easier for event organizers to process permits.

“By really bringing certainty well before the day before, by really reducing our bureaucracy so that emergence is a cost “Which is cheaper and more open and transparent,” President Jokowi said. However, President Joko Widodo nevertheless stressed the importance of management, planning and implementation. eventboth by the organizers and the government. The permit application must be made much earlier, before the event takes place. With such planning, the Head of State believes that the organizers can promote the event more widely. In addition, some licensing processes do not take much time.

“The government, as well as government officials, have been informed by the National Police Chief, the total can be submitted in just 14 days from multiple permits so that the organizers can promote the event and sell tickets well,” the president added. This time, the licensing system is for international activities, the minimum limit for submitting an application is 30 working days and the maximum permit letter (SI) is issued. National-level activities have a minimum application limit of H-21 working days and a maximum SI issuance limit of H-7 working days. Meanwhile, for local-level activities, the minimum application submission period is 14 working days and the maximum SI is issued for 4 working days.

As an illustration, the President said that holding events on a national and international scale could have a positive impact on the country. For example, Qatar managed to increase the country's economic growth by hosting the World Cup in 2022. The 2022 World Cup in Qatar was able to generate economic growth in Qatar of only 1.5 percent the previous year, compared to 4.3 percent at the time. this took place. This Middle Eastern Gulf country dared to invest money in event This represents up to $220 billion.

License Scanning Services event This was initiated by the National Police in collaboration with other ministries/institutions, namely the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, the Ministry of Investment, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Communication and Information, and the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises. “This is in line with Indonesia’s digital transformation policy as well as the global trends that are developing in the digital field. Therefore, the National Police continues to adapt to ensure implementation event easy and with international standards. We hope that the creative industry can quickly adapt to the application offline to be submitted online” said National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo.

Currently, the digitalization of event organization services has been implemented in seven place in DKI Jakarta and Banten. The seven venues are the entire Gelora Bung Karno area, JIEXPO Kemayoran, Jakarta Convention Center (JCC), Beach City International Stadium (BCIS) Ancol, Indonesia Convention Exhibition (ICE) BSD, Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) and Community Park PIK. 2. The National Police also did so. risk assessment ensure the relevance and security of events in all these places. In the future, the National Police will implement permits online in other major cities in Indonesia, such as Medan, Bogor, Bandung, Semarang, Solo, Yogyakarta, Denpasar, Surabaya and other regions. For this reason, the National Police Chief hopes that through this service, the Indonesian creative industry can further develop, grow and bring benefits and contributions to society and the government.

Meanwhile, Indonesian Music Promoters Association (APMI) Chairman Dino Hamid expressed his appreciation for the digitalization of licensing services. “We hope that this unique OSS can further improve our work at the national and international levels. value our economy and our ecosystem,” he said.

Author: Kristantyo Wisnubroto
Editor: Ratna Nuraini/Elvira Inda Sari




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