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Orpington voters talk about Rishi Sunak and Boris Johnson


Orpington, in the east of the borough of Bromley, was created in 1945. It has been represented by the Conservative Party throughout its existence, with the exception of the brief term of Liberal MP Eric Lubbock between 1962 and 1970.

David Payne, 69, has lived in Orpington for more than 60 years and said pensions management was his top priority in the upcoming election.

The Conservative Party manifesto said no new pension taxes would be introduced, while the Labour Party manifesto said the state pension would rise in line with inflation.

Mr Payne said: “I watch the debates on TV and normally vote Conservative but this is the first time I have had any problems with the Prime Minister.”

“I could switch allegiance to the Liberal Democrats. No disrespect to any of them, but I don't trust the Labour Party.

He added: I don't think so. [Rishi Sunak] He's in touch with normal, everyday people like me. I can't believe he did what he did the other week when he came home early from D-Day. It's been 80 years for those poor guys.

“I lost my grandfather in World War II. So all these people, to me, are disrespectful by coming home early.

Patricia Bentley, 73, has lived in the area for nearly 50 years and said she also didn't know who to vote for.

She said she believed the number of people claiming benefits should be reduced to allow funding for other public services.

She said: “It's this magic word, mental health. Mental health can give you everything you want. I feel sorry for people like that, I've suffered myself, but I think it needs a good overhaul. People love the NHS when it helps them.”

“When he doesn't, they put him down like crazy. My daughter is a nurse and she has to put up with everything she has to put up with up there, the insults and the beatings.

She added: With Boris [Johnson]I always had time for him. I know people said he was a jerk and all that, but when Covid came along, he stepped up.

HT Farmer, 76, has lived in St Mary Cray with his wife Angela-Joyce, 76, for most of their lives.

The couple cited immigration as a priority for them as they felt it had had an impact on NHS waiting lists in recent years.

Mr Farmer said: “We've gone and done blood tests three times. You can't do blood tests until you know there are thousands of people trying to do them, so it's going to take months.”

“It’s ridiculous. If you want a doctor’s appointment, it’s in two weeks. There are too many people and not enough resources.

Data from Electoral Calculus suggests the Conservatives will narrowly retain the Orpington seat in this year's general election, by a margin of 0.5%.

Irene Wilson, 71, has lived in Orpington for 40 years and said she wanted a government that prioritised transparency with the public.

She said: Just tell us the truth. Honestly, I have no idea who I'm going to vote for. I don't like the Tories.

“I'm not a big fan of the Labour Party. I don't like the Greens, I don't like any of them. The one that sounds the best at the moment is the Labour Party, although I'm not a fan of any of them, to be honest.”

She added: “With the Conservatives, how many prime ministers have we had? I mean, it's stupid, isn't it?”

“It’s wrong, and none of them have done us any good. All these years they’ve been with us, it’s only gotten worse. We’re in a constant decline with the economy and everything else. I just want someone to give us a better life.”




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