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PM Modi refutes Rahul Gandhi's remarks: Calling Hindu society violent is a serious issue; Shah demands apology | India News

PM Modi refutes Rahul Gandhi's remarks: Calling Hindu society violent is a serious issue; Shah demands apology | India News


Opposition leader Rahul Gandhi's nearly 100-minute maiden speech in the Lok Sabha on Monday saw Prime Minister Narendra Modi and senior Cabinet ministers intervene to counter his remarks.

There was an uproar in the House when Gandhi, while attacking the BJP, said that those who call themselves Hindus talk about violence, hatred and lies 24 hours a day. Modi got up from his seat and said, “This is a very serious issue. Calling the entire Hindu society violent is a serious issue (poore Hindu samaj ko hinsak kehna yeh gambhir vishay hai).”

Home Minister Amit Shah demanded an apology from the Congress leader.

As the treasury members protested, Gandhi said the BJP and the RSS did not represent the whole of Hindu society: “You are not Hindus.”

And when he took him directly in hand, asking him why the Prime Minister is always serious?, Modi, who attended his speechrose again from his seat and said: Democracy and the Constitution have taught me that I must take the leader of the opposition seriously.

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This was rare in itself, as members later recalled that the prime minister had done so only once before, during a speech by Congress leader Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury in the last Lok Sabha.

While Defence Minister Rajnath Singh accused Gandhi of misleading the House, Shah, who made four interventions during the speech, said Gandhi had made several remarks which were not true and without facts and he should authenticate them.

At one point, Shah turned to Parliament Speaker Om Birla: “You are overstepping the rules by giving them a unilateral concession. We need to be protected. It doesn't work like that.”

Gandhi's attack on the government over the Agniveer project prompted Rajnath Singh to say that the Congress leader was trying to mislead the House.

He should not try to mislead the House by making false statements. A financial assistance of Rs 1 crore is given to the family of the Agniveer who sacrifices his life to protect our borders or during the war,” Singh said.

Responding to Gandhi's allegations that it was a ploy by the Prime Minister, Singh said there was direct communication with many people and 158 organisations were consulted for suggestions on the project and it was a well thought out project.

When Gandhi criticised the government on farmer-related issues, including the MSP for crops, Agriculture Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan objected and accused him of misleading the House. Union Minister Gajendra Shekhawat also stood up to defend the government's policies in the farm sector.

Union Ministers Kiren Rijiju and Bhupender Yadav also spoke at different points during Gandhi's speech.

While Rijiju, the parliamentary affairs minister, has repeatedly warned Gandhi to follow the rules of the House, Yadav has repeatedly cited the rules to send warnings.

Later, Information and Broadcasting Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw, accompanied by Rijiju and BJP leader Sudhanshu Trivedi, held a press conference to refute Gandhi's allegations.

The ruling party benches remained silent on Gandhi's remarks on the Manipur issue, irregularities in NEET and the BJP's election defeat in Ayodhya. BJP's allies also remained quiet.

On the other hand, India's allies supported Gandhi. TMC member Kalyan Banerjee repeatedly stood up from his seat to support Gandhi's right to express his views and his colleague Saugata Roy read out the rules to counter the BJP. MLAs from the TMC, DMK and SP lined up to greet Gandhi after his speech.




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