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After Rahul Gandhi's speech, PM Modi to address Parliament today

After Rahul Gandhi's speech, PM Modi to address Parliament today


After Rahul Gandhi's speech, PM Modi to address Parliament today

Parliament session, day 7: BJP accused Mr Gandhi of calling the Hindu community violent.

New Delhi:
After Rahul Gandhi's fiery speech in Parliament yesterday, in which he launched a scathing attack on the BJP – large portions of which have been redacted from official records – the stage is set for Prime Minister Narendra Modi's expected response.

Here are 10 points about this great story:

  1. Mr Gandhi's harsh criticism in the House prompted reactions from the Treasury commissioners, including multiple interventions from Prime Minister Modi, Home Minister Amit Shah and Defence Minister Rajnath Singh.

  2. The heated debate took place during the discussion of the motion of thanks on the President's speech in a joint session of Parliament. Mr Gandhi's speech was not free from controversy, leading to deletion of some passages from the official records.

  3. The BJP has accused Mr Gandhi of calling the entire Hindu community violent, prompting calls for an apology from Prime Minister Modi and Home Minister Shah. “This issue is very serious. Calling the entire Hindu community violent is a serious issue,” Prime Minister Modi said.

  4. Home Minister Shah demanded an apology from Mr Gandhi, accusing him of offending millions of Hindus and rejecting his right to speak on non-violence given the Congress's historic actions during the Emergency and the 1984 anti-Sikh riots.

  5. The Congress leader accused the BJP of attacking the Constitution and misusing central agencies against him.

  6. Mr Gandhi's speech also targeted several government policies, including the NEET-UG medical entrance exam, which he said disproportionately benefits rich students over meritorious students. He criticised the Agniveer scheme, calling for greater respect and benefits for military personnel.

  7. Despite his harsh criticism, Mr Gandhi concluded his speech by calling for unity and constructive dialogue. He urged the BJP to view the opposition not as adversaries but as partners in the process of nation building.

  8. The day's proceedings extended to the Rajya Sabha, where opposition leader and Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge's comments on Prime Minister Modi's “divisive” campaign speeches also drew repeated objections from BJP members.

  9. Both parties held press conferences to present their arguments. BJP leaders, including Union ministers Ashwini Vaishnaw and Kiren Rijiju and BJP chief Sudhanshu Trivedi, denounced Mr Gandhi's remarks. Congress leaders held their own conference to further criticise the ruling party and defend Mr Gandhi's statements.

  10. Prime Minister Modi's upcoming speech is expected to tackle these charges head-on. It will be his first address to the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) parliamentary party this session after assuming power for a third consecutive term.




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