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PM Modi's response to motion of thanks for President's speech in Lok Sabha: Best quotes | India News

PM Modi's response to motion of thanks for President's speech in Lok Sabha: Best quotes | India News
PM Modi's response to motion of thanks for President's speech in Lok Sabha: Best quotes | India News


NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday responded to the motion of thanks on the President's speech in the Lok Sabha. As he rose to address the House, the opposition started chanting slogans demanding statements from the prime minister on Manipur and other issues.
Here are the main quotes from his speech.
– The public chose us in the biggest election campaign in the world and I can understand the pain of some people. Despite the continued spread of lies, they suffered a huge defeat.
– President Murmu clarified our resolve for 'Viksit Bharat' and spoke on important issues.
– Our great campaign to lift more than 25 million people out of poverty brought us blessings in the elections.
– Our zero tolerance against corruption has received the support of the people, we have been guided only by 'India First'.
– The country has been following a policy of appeasement for a long time, we followed 'santushtikaran' and not 'tushtikaran'; justice for all, appeasement for none.
– We want to assure people that we will make untiring, honest and committed efforts to realize our resolve for 'Viksit Bharat'.

'Arre Mausi Hero Toh…': PM Modi turns to 'Sholay' to target Rahul Gandhi in Lok Sabha

– The country was in the depths of despair in 2014, the people elected us and an era of transformation began.
– Those who danced with the Constitution on their heads did not dare to implement it in Jammu and Kashmir, they insulted BR Ambedkar.
– We will take our success to the next level, our challenge is to further accelerate the pace of progress.
– In the third quarter, we will work with three times more strength and speed, and bring three times more results.
– Mandate Congress to sit in opposition and start shouting when logic fails.
– We saw childish behaviour in the Lok Sabha yesterday.
– The Congress is spreading anarchy through its economic policies, its divisive policies along caste and regional lines, and is undermining the democratic process.
– I don't know whether the alliance partner Congress has looked at these elections (Lok Sabha poll results) or not. These elections are also a message to them. From 2024 onwards, the Congress will be known as a parasite party. The parasite eats the body it lives in. The Congress, too, eats the votes of the party it allies with and grows at the expense of the alliance parties, as its allies are responsible for its victory in most of the 99 seats it won.
– The statements of the Congress leaders have left traces in the dialogues of the Sholay film. You all must remember the 'Mausi' from the Sholay film.
– Rahul is out on bail in a corruption case, convicted of insulting the OBC community and facing several defamation cases.
– Parliament was deceived yesterday: parliamentary democracy cannot be protected if it is not taken seriously.
– A trend has started to arouse sympathy. I would like to tell you about a child who came back from school and complained to his mother that he had been beaten up at school. The child did not reveal that he had abused someone at school, torn a child's book and stolen someone's lunch. Yesterday, we saw childish behaviour in the House. It was to arouse sympathy. However, the nation knows that this man is out on bail in a corruption case, that he was punished for calling an OBC member a thief and that a complaint has been filed against him for insulting Veer Savarkar.
– On 1st July, the country celebrated 'Khata Khat Diwas' and people checked their bank accounts to see whether they had received Rs 8,500 or not. The Congress cheated people in these elections (Lok Sabha) and lied that they would give Rs 8,500 to our mothers and sisters. The curse of our mothers and sisters will destroy the Congress.
– It is a serious matter that a conspiracy is being hatched to level false accusations against Hindus.
– Lies on EVM… lies on Constitution… lies on reservations… before that, lies on Rafale, HAL, LIC, banks… They even dared to mislead the House yesterday. They lied on Agniveer. They said MSP was not given.
– It is the misfortune of the nation that the Congress, which has ruled for six decades, is busy spreading anarchy. They go to the South and speak against the people of the North; they speak against the South when they go to the North. They have made every effort to create a division based on language. The leaders who have advocated separation of a part of the country have been given seats in Parliament by the Congress.
– They invented expressions like 'Hindu terrorism', their ally compared this religion to dengue fever; the country will never forgive them.




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