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PM Narendra Modi in Parliament takes aim at Rahul Gandhi: Hugs and winks in Parliament

PM Narendra Modi in Parliament takes aim at Rahul Gandhi: Hugs and winks in Parliament


Prime Minister Modi also cited old cases from Parliament to attack Rahul Gandhi.

New Delhi:

Prime Minister Narendra Modi took several shots at the opposition during his over two-hour speech in the Lok Sabha this evening. The main target of his virulent attack was Congress leader and Leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha Rahul Gandhi, who delivered a fiery speech in the House just a day ago. But the leader of the House, PM Modi, called the speech “childish behaviour”.

“The House has witnessed the tears of a person with childish behaviour who tried to win the sympathy of the people without revealing the wrongs he had committed,” PM Modi said, amidst opposition chants of “Justice for Manipur”. After the prime minister's speech, the government moved a resolution condemning the disturbances caused by the opposition.

He also cited past instances in Parliament to attack Mr Gandhi. “When this childish behaviour takes over, they hug anyone in Parliament. When this childish behaviour crosses its limits, they wink while sitting inside the House,” PM Modi said.

In one of the most memorable moments in politics in 2018, Rahul Gandhi walked across the parliament and hugged the prime minister, who appeared surprised. Later, back at his seat, Mr Gandhi was seen winking at his fellow Congress MLAs. Hours later, Prime Minister Modi mocked the 54-year-old's gesture as “bachkani harkat (childish pity)” and also mimicked his wink after the hug, using his hands.

In his reply to the motion of thanks on the President's speech, the Prime Minister also attacked the Congress leaders for his “Hindu” remarks which were later erased from the records of Parliament: “Today there is a conspiracy to falsely accuse Hindus, a serious conspiracy is going on. It has been said that Hindus are violent. This is your culture, this is your character, this is your way of thinking, this is your hatred. These are the actions against Hindus in this country. This country will not forget it for centuries.”

He also urged Parliament Speaker Om Birla to do “something about what happened here yesterday”, referring to Mr Gandhi's speech. “Mr Speaker, you bear everything with a smile, but something has to be done about what happened here on Monday, otherwise it will not be good for Parliament. Such attempts should not be dismissed as 'balak buddhi'. There is a deeper conspiracy,” PM Modi said.

The last line of his speech was also an attack on Mr Gandhi: “I pray to God to give them wisdom. 'Balak buddhi ko bhi sadbuddhi de' (I hope the 'balak buddhi' also gets wisdom).

The Lok Sabha was adjourned sine die as the House adopted the motion of thanks for the President's speech following Prime Minister Narendra Modi's reply to the debate.




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