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Government extremely concerned, makes near-warlike efforts to stop document leaks India TV

Government extremely concerned, makes near-warlike efforts to stop document leaks India TV


Prime Minister Narendra Modi responds to motion
Image source: PTI Prime Minister Narendra Modi responds to the motion of thanks on the President's address in the Lok Sabha during the ongoing parliamentary session, in New Delhi.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday addressed the issue of document leaks in the country, especially after the NEET episode, and said the government is working on a war scenario to take steps to bring the culprits to justice.

“The government is extremely concerned about the NEET issue and is working on a war-like situation to fulfil its responsibilities. Those involved in this matter will be severely punished, people are being arrested all the time. We have already made a strong law in this regard,” PM Modi said.

On the leaked papers and the NEET issue, PM Modi said, “I will tell all the students and youth of the country that the government is very serious in preventing such incidents and we are taking one step after another to fulfill our responsibilities on a war footing. Those who play with the future of the youth will not be spared at all. Arrests are being made all over the country in connection with the NEET case. The central government has already enacted a strict law. Necessary steps are being taken to strengthen the entire system of conducting the exam.”

The prime minister's comments come amid controversy over alleged irregularities, including leaked papers, in competitive exams like NEET and NET. The opposition has demanded a discussion on the issue in Parliament.

Responding to a two-day debate on the motion of thanks to the President's address in a joint session of Parliament, Modi said arrests were being made across the country in connection with the National Eligibility and Entrance Test (NEET) issue.

“In her speech, the President expressed her concerns over the leaked documents. I also want to tell the students and youth that the government is determined to control such incidents and we are taking successive steps on a war footing to fulfill our responsibilities,” he said.

“Those who play with the future of the youth will not be spared, arrests are being made across the country in connection with the NEET issue. The Centre has already framed strict laws and major steps are being taken to strengthen the entire system of conducting examinations,” the Prime Minister added.

Opposition leader Rahul Gandhi wrote to Modi earlier in the day, requesting the prime minister to facilitate a debate on the NEET issue in the Lok Sabha on Wednesday.

Gandhi said the opposition's demand to discuss the issue related to the medical entrance examination was rejected in both the Houses of Parliament on June 28 and also on Monday and added that the Lok Sabha Speaker had assured the opposition that he would discuss the issue with the government.

In the crosshairs of alleged irregularities in the NEET and NET for PhD entrance, the Centre removed National Testing Agency (NTA) Director General Subodh Singh last week and briefed a high-level panel headed by former Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) chief R Radhakrishnan to ensure transparent, smooth and fair conduct of the exams through the NTA.

While NEET is under the spotlight due to several irregularities including alleged leaks of papers, UGC-NET was cancelled as the education ministry received information that the integrity of the exam was compromised. Both these cases are being investigated by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI).

Two other exams – CSIR-UGC NET and NEET-PG – have been cancelled as a precautionary measure.

With contributions from PTI

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