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Parliament Session Updates: PM Modi says Indian Army was weak under Nehru govt; Lok Sabha adjourned sine die

Parliament Session Updates: PM Modi says Indian Army was weak under Nehru govt; Lok Sabha adjourned sine die


  • July 2, 2024
    6:33 PM IST

    'No one will be spared': PM Modi says govt taking issue of leaked documents seriously

    Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday said that those involved in Paper leaks will not be spared and the government is serious about the problem.

    Replying to the debate on the Motion of Thanks on the President's speech in the Lok Sabha, the Prime Minister said that a law has been framed to address the issue of paper leaks and necessary steps are being taken to strengthen the education system.

  • July 2, 2024
    6:31 PM IST

    PM Modi expresses condolences to victims of Hathras tragedy

    “Many people have lost their lives in the stampede in Hathras, Uttar Pradesh. I express my condolences to those who lost their lives in the accident. I wish a speedy recovery to all the injured. The administration is engaged in relief and rescue operations under the supervision of the state government. Senior officials of the central government are in constant touch with the Uttar Pradesh government. I assure everyone, through this House, that the victims will be helped in every possible way,” Prime Minister Modi said in the Lok Sabha.

  • July 2, 2024
    6:21 PM IST

    370 is down: PM Modi reminds opposition how removing JK's special status helped stabilise the region

    Prime Minister Narendra Modi, during his speech in the Lok Sabha on Tuesday, reminded the Opposition benches that it was the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led government that ended the special status of Jammu and Kashmir and ensured that the entire state had faith in the Indian tricolour and the Constitution.

    He also said that after the abrogation of article 370 stone throwing has stoppedThose were the days of 370, when stone pelting took place. Today, the wall of 370 has fallen. Stone pelting has stopped and the entire state has faith in the flag and Constitution of India, PM Modi said, amidst slogans from the opposition.

  • July 2, 2024
    6:17 PM IST

    Congress has made all possible attempts to create division on the basis of language, PM Modi tells Lok Sabha

    “It is the misfortune of the country that the Congress, which has ruled for six decades, is busy spreading anarchy. They go to the South and speak against the people of the North; they speak against the South when they go to the North. They have made every possible attempt to create division on the basis of language. The leaders who advocated separation of a part of the country, the Congress has given them an entry ticket to Parliament,” PM Modi said in his reply to the motion of thanks on the President’s address.

  • July 2, 2024
    6:09 PM IST

    Necessary steps being taken to strengthen education system: PM Modi on NEET paper leak

    Necessary steps are being taken to strengthen the education system and a law has already been framed in this regard, PM Modi said on the leak of NEET papers, adding that arrests are also being made across the county in this regard.

  • July 2, 2024
    6:02 PM IST

    Congress can never see Indian Army become stronger, says PM Modi

    Congress will never be able to see the Indian Army becoming stronger. During Nehru's rule, the Indian Army was so weak. They made Ghotala jeeps, Ghotala bofors, these scams have hampered the strength of the Army, PM Modi told the Lok Sabha.

  • July 2, 2024
    5:55 PM IST

    PM Modi accuses opposition of 'insulting our gods' in Parliament

  • July 2, 2024
    5:48 PM IST

    Nation will never forgive: PM Modi on Rahul Gandhi's 'Hindu violence' in Lok Sabha

    Whatever happened yesterday (in Lok Sabha), the nation will never forgive it, Prime Minister Modi said in response to Rahul Gandhi's remarks on Hindu violence in the House on Monday.

  • July 2, 2024
    5:37 PM IST

    PM Modi urges Parliament Speaker to take action against ‘lies’ on Agniveer told in Parliament

    Yesterday, an attempt was made to mislead Parliament. Lies were told about the Agniveer project and MSP. When seasoned leaders like him (Rahul Gandhi) choose this path of anarchy, it shows that the nation is heading towards problems, PM Modi said.

    Mr. Speaker, you bear everything with a smile, but something has to be done about yesterday, otherwise it will not be good for Parliament. These attempts should not be ignored by calling them balakbuddhi. There is a deeper conspiracy, PM Modi added.

  • July 2, 2024
    5:31 PM IST

    'Maintain dignity of the House': PM Modi's message to Rahul Gandhi amid Lok Sabha uproar

    Opposition politicians shouted slogans in the Lok Sabha even as Prime Minister Narendra Modi responded to the motion of thanks to the President's speech on Tuesday, prompting a rebuke from Speaker Om Birla.

    This is not correct, you order your deputies to come into the well [of the House]Birla told Congress MP Rahul Gandhi, who is the Leader of the Opposition in the Lok Sabha. Please maintain the dignity of the House, Birla said amid slogans from opposition members.

  • July 2, 2024
    5:30 PM IST

    'Mausi Hero Toh Hai Naa': Modi's stunt in Sholay to attack Rahul Gandhi for his 'moral victory' in polls LS | Watch

    Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday attacked Congress leader Rahul Gandhi The Prime Minister criticised his moral victory in the assembly elections and called him a happy child for his performance. Replying to the motion of thanks for the President's speech in the Lok Sabha, the Prime Minister also hijacked an iconic Bollywood film to criticise the opposition leader.

    A little kid took out his bike and if he falls and starts crying, an elder comes and says he didn't fall. It's just an ant that died. The elder just tried to distract that kid. This is happening right now, he said.

  • July 2, 2024
    5:26 PM IST

    PM Modi compares Congress' performance in 2020 Lok Sabha elections to that of a child who scored 99 out of 543 marks

    Let us recall the 1984 elections. After that election, 10 assembly elections were held in this country, but the Congress failed to even cross the 250-seat mark. This time, the Congress managed to get 99 seats. This reminds of a child who used to tell everyone that he had scored 99 marks. Later, his teacher told him that his child had scored 99 marks out of 543 and not 100. “No one can make this child understand that he has broken a new world record of failure,” Prime Minister Modi said.

  • July 2, 2024
    5:23 PM IST

    Congress working to create economic anarchy in India, PM Modi tells Lok Sabha

    Congress is trying to create economic anarchy in India. The steps taken by Congress in the economy are aimed at making their states a burden on the national economy, PM Modi said.

  • July 2, 2024
    5:16 PM IST

    This election was a message to Congress allies, PM Modi tells Lok Sabha

    “I don’t know if the Congress allies have done any analysis. This election was a message to them. Now, from 2024, the Congress is a parasitic party. The Congress should not do this fake victory celebration. Be honest and understand this mandate,” PM Modi said.

  • July 2, 2024
    5:12 PM IST

    People have given us a mandate for stability and continuity: PM Modi in Lok Sabha

    People have given us a mandate for stability, continuity, NDA has also achieved unprecedented success in 4 state elections, PM Modi said in Lok Sabha.

  • July 2, 2024
    5:04 PM IST

    Instead of admitting defeat, Congress is trying to construct a narrative that it has beaten us, PM Modi tells Lok Sabha

    This is the first time that the Congress party has not crossed 100 seats for three consecutive years. Instead of admitting defeat, it is showing arrogance. It is trying to make people believe that it has beaten us, PM Modi said.

  • July 2, 2024
    5:02 PM IST

    When you have nothing to say, you keep shouting: Prime Minister Modi attacks the opponent

    Voters have given the Congress a mandate to remain in opposition and when you have nothing to say, keep shouting, PM Modi said.

  • July 2, 2024
    4:58 PM IST

    Those dancing with Constitution on their heads did not dare to implement it in JK: PM Modi in Lok Sabha

    Those who dance with the Constitution on their heads did not dare to implement it in JK, they insulted BR Ambedkar, PM Modi mocked the opposition in Lok Sabha.

  • July 2, 2024
    4:50 PM IST

    We will uphold the resolution of 'Viksit Bharat' with absolute dedication and honesty: PM Modi in Lok Sabha

    Prime Minister Narendra Modi said, “I assure the countrymen that we have taken the resolution of Viksit Bharat and we will make efforts to fulfil this resolution and we will do it with absolute dedication and honesty and we will devote every moment of our time to fulfil this resolution.”

  • July 2, 2024
    4:45 PM IST

    Before 2014, terrorists attacked anywhere, govt was silent: PM Modi in Lok Sabha

    Before 2014, terrorists used to attack anywhere. The government was silent. Today, we are carrying out surgical strikes, PM Modi said.

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