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Harvard Republican Club Endorses Donald Trump for 2024 Presidential Election | News

Harvard Republican Club Endorses Donald Trump for 2024 Presidential Election | News


The Harvard Republican Club endorsed former U.S. President Donald Trump on Monday, the second time the club has backed Trump after snubbing his campaign during the 2016 election cycle.

Harvard Republican Club President Michael Oved ’25 announced his support in an email to club members Monday night. The decision came after an internal vote among the club’s registered voters, as well as a vote by its board of directors, according to Oved. He did not provide information on the margins of those two votes.

In this race, Donald Trump is the most qualified candidate to lead our nation as President of the United States, Oved wrote in a statement. The Harvard Republican Club is proud to officially endorse him.

The endorsement represents a years-long evolution of the Harvard Republican Club from Never Trump conservatism to aligning with the rest of the Republican establishment by embracing Trump.

In 2016, 80% of the club's members voted against supporting Trump, and the club issued a statement saying Trump's rhetoric was poisoning our country and our children. In 2020, the club supported Trump and praised several of his notable accomplishments, but had some qualms about his policy positions.

But this year, the club has had nothing but praise for Trump, while sharply criticizing US President Joe Biden.

The Human Rights Commission wrote in a press release that Trump is the only candidate with the mental capacity to lead our country, citing Thursday’s presidential debate between Trump and Biden. Biden’s disastrous performance in the debate put his campaign on the defensive and amplified concerns about his ability to stay in office for another four years.

Even the liberal media was surprised by Biden’s poor performance, lamenting his repeated stumbles, his loss of words, and his inability to properly discuss his own policies, HRC wrote. Millions of Americans, including this council, are wondering: Under a Biden presidency, who is really running the country?

Trump spokesman Steven Cheung wrote in an emailed statement that Trump was uniting the entire party and all Americans to defeat Biden.

It’s worth noting that the HRC press release avoids any mention of Trump’s conviction last month on 34 criminal counts. The press release also doesn’t address another set of Trump’s favorite talking points: his claims that the 2020 election was stolen and his defense of the rioters who stormed the Capitol on January 6, 2021, to protest Biden’s election victory.

Instead, the press release touted the Trump administration's policy agenda, including the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, which permanently cut the corporate tax rate and temporarily lowered rates for some individual tax brackets.

The Human Rights Commission also praised Trump's work to curb illegal immigration and build the border wall, as well as his commitment to protecting the Second Amendment.

The press release also focused on Trump's completion of the Supreme Court's six-to-three conservative majority, hailing cases like Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard, where the Court declared race-based admissions unconstitutional, and Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization, which overturned Roe v. Wade and left abortion policy to state governments.

In an interview, Oved stressed that the politically charged statement was a way to broaden the appeal of Trump and the GOP, describing it as an explanation designed not just for the Harvard student body, not just for Republicans, but also for Democrats, for independents, for moderates.

Especially on college campuses, you see students and sometimes even professors who just don't understand how it is possible that people actually support President Trump, Oved said.

Describing all of that in this endorsement is really a way for us to show them that this is what we believe in and that we have properly obtained all of the necessary information, he added.

Conservative students represent a small minority of Harvard’s student body, and Trump supporters an even smaller share. In The Crimsons’ September survey of Harvard’s Class of 2027, only 8.4 percent of respondents described themselves as conservative or very conservative.

Only 3.6% of students said they had a favorable opinion of Trump, down from 7.1% in 2020. However, only 39.8% of the Class of 2027 have a favorable opinion of Biden, down from 90.1% of the Class of 2024 in 2020. This year's poll marks a sharp decline in support for either candidate heading into the 2024 election.

You can contact writer Elyse C. Goncalves at [email protected]. Follow her on X @e1ysegoncalves or on Threads @elyse.goncalves.

You can contact Tilly R. Robinson, editor-in-chief, at [email protected]. Follow her on X @tillyrobin.




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