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Imran Khan slams intelligence interference in prison affairs

Imran Khan slams intelligence interference in prison affairs



Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) founder chairman Imran Khan has criticised the alleged interference of the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) in civil affairs.

Addressing an informal press conference inside Adiala Jail today, the jailed former prime minister said: “We have filed a petition in the court questioning the presence of ISI majors and colonels in Adiala Jail.”

“The ISI has no authority over civil matters or judicial interference. The prison director is following the orders of the ISI, which led to the transfer of two officers to ensure that no leniency is granted to me.”

Speaking about the results of the February general elections, the PTI founder expressed his confusion, saying: “Five months have passed since the elections, and I still don't know who won or lost.”

He also referred to the recent US Congress resolution on alleged electoral irregularities in Pakistan, noting that it was passed with 85 percent of the vote.

“Even the most powerful Israeli lobby has never managed to obtain such a resolution. The United States conducted extensive research before approving this resolution.”

He cited reports from PILDAT and FAFEN confirming electoral fraud, alleging that the chief electoral commissioner was appointed to cover up these irregularities.

“The whole country is saying it was a fraudulent election,” Imran said.

“The world is echoing what Rawalpindi Commissioner and former Prime Minister Kakar told Hanif Abbasi.”

He said retired judges are appointed to courts to obtain favourable decisions.

Khan also urged the Supreme Court to examine the role of the Election Commission in reserved seats.

Earlier in the day, Supreme Court Justice Athar Minallah said the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) had misinterpreted an earlier court ruling and denied the 'Bat' symbol to Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf.

Imran continued: “In any democracy, a seat of one party cannot be given to another.”

He predicted an increase in poverty and debt under the current government, suggesting that only investment from overseas Pakistanis could save the country.

“Professionals are leaving the country because of the current conditions,” he added.

Regarding the creation of a forward bloc within the PTI, Imran dismissed it as an important issue, praising the services of Omar Ayub to the party.

“PTI has no forward blockade; it is built on the strength of its votes,” he said.

“There is no stronger party in the country and no advanced bloc can be formed.”

The PTI chief attributed the disagreements within the party to misunderstandings, saying he had called the two groups to a meeting at Adiala jail.

“Some left the party because of the violence, others after studying the files. These are separate cases. I will personally handle the party's statements once I am released from prison.”

Responding to a question about the negotiations with Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, the PTI founder said.

“What is there to negotiate with him? Should we discuss the weather?”

The PTI also commented on the current structure of the government, saying it is “running on the basis of lies”.

He targeted the interior minister, saying Naqvi was an imposter who operated on favouritism.

“If you want to fix cricket, the first step is to remove Mohsin Naqvi, who is operating on recommendation.”

Addressing the issue of encryption, Imran reiterated his position: “I stand by my statement that the US threatened to overthrow our government and they succeeded. I remain firm on my position of ‘absolutely not’.”




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