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Xi Jinping ploughs his furrow in Central Asia

Xi Jinping ploughs his furrow in Central Asia


Beijing's interest in Central Asia, whose vastness extends from the Caucasus to Mongolia, is undiminished. Chinese President Xi Jinping began a tour of the region on Tuesday, July 2, on the occasion of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit scheduled for Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan. Xi Jinping will continue his trip to Tajikistan, at the invitation of President Emomali Rahmon.

This trip illustrates the intensification of diplomatic efforts deployed by Beijing in Central Asia, which are based on the foundation of an initial strategy: the development of the new silk roads, imagined in 2013 during a visit by Xi Jinping to Kazakhstan. Since then, this country has notably obtained a logistics base in the Chinese port of Lianyungang, and many infrastructures have seen the light of day, from the Kazakhstan-Turkmenistan-Iran railway corridor to the Western Europe-Western China highway. Development in terms of infrastructure and perhaps public goods that (China) proposed for strategic regions is undeniable notes the historian and sinologist Emmanuel Lincot in his work The Very Great Game. Beijing versus Central Asia (1).

Imperial capital

Since 2019, relations between China and Kazakhstan have continued to deepen. Kazakhstan, whose President Kassym-Jomart Tokaev speaks fluent Chinese, was the first country Xi Jinping visited after the Covid-19 paralysis, welcoming the deep friends And the unique nature of relationships between the two countries. In September 2022, Xi Jinping attended the SCO summit in Samarkand, Uzbekistan. Eight months later, China invited the leaders of five Central Asian countries to the ancient imperial capital of Xian. That same year, trade between Kazakhstan and China reached $41 billion (€38 billion).

Today, the 24th SCO summit officially intends to lasting peace and prosperity but also promote the security, stability and development of member countries . Kazakhstan, India, China, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Iran are members of the SCO, forming a group of colossal weight, which Belarus is also preparing to join.

On the strategic chessboard of Central Asia, Beijing is seeking to interfere in the space left by Russia, which has been monopolized by the war in Ukraine and which is causing concern among these former Soviet republics. China is thus strengthening its positions, despitea persistent prejudice in the West that the future of the region depends largely, if not exclusively, on Moscow. This is probably to ignore the fact that the Chinese are historically just as familiar with the region, critic Emmanuel Lincot.

Russia is nonetheless on the lookout to preserve its influence in the region. Especially since Iran, Turkey, but also India and Pakistan, are also active in the region. On the side of the former Soviet republics of Central Asia, it is above all a question of privileging these relations in a concern for balance, by playing the pragmatism card.




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