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UN Human Rights Committee calls Pakistan's detention of Imran Khan arbitrary, calls for his release

UN Human Rights Committee calls Pakistan's detention of Imran Khan arbitrary, calls for his release


In an opinion released Monday, the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention noted that Khan's detention had no legal basis and appeared to have been intended to disqualify him from running for office.

The panel urged the Pakistani government to allow him to visit the country.

Khan was removed from office in 2022 and has been incarcerated since August 2023, when he was arrested and charged with some 170 criminal counts.

He has claimed that the no-confidence vote that led to his ouster and the criminal prosecutions that followed were orchestrated by the country's powerful military, acting on orders from the US government, to remove him from power. Pakistan's new government and military as well as Washington have denied the charges.

Khan has been acquitted or released on bail in most of the most serious cases, all of which he says are politically motivated.

The former prime minister was banned from running for political office and his party was barred from participating in national elections.

Although February's elections were accused of being rigged, independent candidates backed by Khan's party won most seats in parliament.

The task force said the prosecution of the former prime minister was part of a much wider crackdown against him and his party.

The panel expressed alarm at the widespread allegations of arrests, detentions and disappearances of individuals, including many supporters of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf, and urged the authorities to take prompt and appropriate action in this regard.

Zulfi Bukhari, a spokesman for Khan's party, said in a statement Monday that the international silence on his illegal imprisonment had finally been broken.

“We welcome the working group's opinion with hope and optimism as we call on the international community to continue to hold the Pakistani government accountable for the inexcusable miscarriage of justice that Khan, his wife and many members of the PTI have suffered,” he added.

International condemnation of the Pakistani government's unlawful deprivation of Khan's freedom and rights has been echoed in the United States and the United Nations, with the House of Representatives and now the Working Group highlighting this blatant attempt to interfere with his intentions to run for political office.

The task force issued its opinion in response to a petition from London-based law firm Harbottle & Lewis and Washington-based Perseus Strategies.

Sarah Gogan, a partner at Harbottle & Lewis, said they were pleased with the task force's report and called on the international community to put pressure on the Pakistani government to release Khan.

She added that the opinion reflects the principles of fundamental human rights within the framework of the rule of law.

We hope that the international community will take this opportunity to further engage with the Pakistani government and work to secure Khan's release.




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