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Boris Johnson makes surprise decision to avoid Tory defeat

Boris Johnson makes surprise decision to avoid Tory defeat


(Bloomberg) — Boris Johnson made an unexpected campaign appearance Tuesday night to urge Conservative voters to deny Labour a landslide victory in Britain's general election, a final throw of the dice by Rishi Sunaks' Conservatives to try to avoid huge losses expected in Thursday's vote.

In his first public appearance of the election campaign, in an unscheduled speech in central London, the former prime minister said: “A Labour government is preparing to use a mass majority to destroy much of what we have achieved.”

Johnson, who is not running as a Conservative, repeated Conservative campaign attacks that Labour leader Keir Starmer would use a supermajority to raise taxes and allow uncontrolled immigration, allegations the opposition party denies. He urged former Conservative voters not to vote for Nigel Farage’s Reform UK party, which he called Kremlin creeps and Putinists, a reference to the right-wing party leader’s comments about his admiration for Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Labour is on course to win this week's election with a landslide majority, a result that would end 14 years of Conservative rule in Britain. So far, 10 of 11 MRP polls conducted during the campaign predict the opposition party will win more seats than it did in Tony Blair's landslide victory in 1997.

The intervention will prove controversial ahead of the final day of campaigning on Wednesday, and is likely to prompt criticism from Starmer's Labour Party of Sunak for aligning the Conservative campaign with that of his penultimate predecessor.

Boris Johnson, who ruled the United Kingdom from 2019 until his resignation after a series of scandals in 2022, remains a politically controversial figure. He won the 2019 general election by a landslide and retains the support of Brexit supporters and some core Conservative voters, the kind of people Sunak is trying to convince to turn out to vote on Thursday.

Sunak has adopted a strategy of acknowledging defeat and imploring typical Conservative voters to go to the polls and support his party, rather than staying home or voting for the right-wing Reform UK party led by Farage, another Brexit supporter. A Labour government would have a blank check to do whatever it wants if it wins a majority in line with what opinion polls suggest, Sunak said at a series of campaign events earlier Tuesday.

However, Johnson's involvement in the so-called Partygate scandal, involving parties breaking rules in Downing Street during the Covid pandemic, for which he and Sunak were both fined by police, caused his popularity to plummet with the general public. When he left office, he had a net personal approval rating of -53 percentage points with the YouGov pollster.

Johnson has played a secondary role in the Conservative campaign, spending most of the last six weeks abroad on holiday. This is partly due to his poor relationship with Sunak. Some of Johnson’s allies blame the current prime minister, who served in Johnson’s government as chancellor of the exchequer, for his ouster, as Sunak’s resignation from Johnson’s cabinet is widely seen as hastening his downfall.

Until Tuesday evening, Johnson's campaign activity had been limited to posting endorsements for some Conservative candidates on social media and writing articles attacking Labour in the Daily Mail newspaper.

–With the assistance of Irina Anghel.

Bloomberg LP 2024




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