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PM Modi on Rahul: Balak buddhi, insults Hinduism; Opposition leader's remarks deleted | India News

PM Modi on Rahul: Balak buddhi, insults Hinduism; Opposition leader's remarks deleted | India News


Mounting a scathing attack on the Congress a day after he and his party were targeted by Opposition leader Rahul Gandhi, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday told the Lok Sabha that his government had a clear mandate for stability and continuity with a third consecutive term in power while the Congress, like a parasite (parjeevi) feeding on its allies for survival, remained in denial.

Responding to the debate in the House on the motion of thanks to the President's address, Modi, who spoke for over two hours amidst opposition chants of “Justice for Manipur and Bharat Jodo”, accused the Congress and its entire ecosystem of trying to disparage, abuse and insult Hinduism and hatching a conspiracy to falsely claim that Hindus were violent.

Alleging that the Congress was trying to create chaos in defeat and deliberately abusing Hindus, the Prime Minister urged the Speaker to take strict action to defend the dignity of the House against what happened on Monday, which was a slap in the face to the wisdom of our people and our great national traditions.

This was a reference to Rahul Gandhi's speech in which he had referred to Hinduism while attacking the BJP's remarks which were later erased from the archives (see attached report) and prompted Modi to intervene, saying that this was a very serious issue. Calling the entire Hindu society violent is a serious issue.

Targeting the Congress leader, Modi used the word balak buddhi (immature mind) several times in his speech, and said, “The people of the country will never forgive what happened yesterday. Swami Vivekanand had said in Chicago 131 years ago, ‘I am proud to belong to the religion that taught tolerance to the world. Hindus are tolerant as a community. That is why we have democracy and such diversity. It is a serious matter that there is a conspiracy to falsely accuse Hindus. Hindus have been said to be violent. Is this your values? Is this your character? Is this your hatred for the Hindus of the country? The country will not forget this for centuries.’”

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These are people who have tried to coin the term 'Hindu terror'. Their allies compare Hinduism to dengue, malaria etc. and these people applaud. Their entire ecosystem wants to despise, abuse and insult Hinduism. Mocking Hindus has become a fashion of political greed, he said.

“We are committed to the constitutional principle of Sarva Panth Sama Bhava. The country has been witnessing the politics of appeasement for a long time. For the first time, the country has seen true secularism, which is santushtikaran, that is, saturation of every policy to reach the last person. Saturation is true social justice and true secularism,” he said.

The country has chosen the path of development. But the Congress is bent on creating chaos. It is speaking against the North in the South and against the West in the North. It has tried to divide the country on the basis of religion. It is constructing new narratives and spreading rumours to divide people on the basis of caste, he said.

They are also trying to sow economic chaos. The way they are making economic decisions in their states is leading the country towards a financial crisis. They said on stage that if they do not like the results, the country will be on fire. Their goal is to sow chaos, he said.

Modi claimed that the election victory was historic, that it was the first time in 60 years that a government was sworn in for the third consecutive time, and said, “After Independence, this has happened for the second time, and after 60 years. There have been four state elections, as well as the Lok Sabha elections. The NDA has achieved unprecedented success in all the four states. He specifically mentioned Odisha and Andhra Pradesh, and said that six months ago, the BJP had won Rajasthan, MP and Chhattisgarh.”

The BJP has opened its doors in Kerala for the first time. It has done well in some seats in Tamil Nadu. In Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan, the BJP's vote share has increased. Elections are coming up in Maharashtra, Haryana and Jharkhand. We have got more votes in these three constituencies in these Lok Sabha elections than in the Assembly elections. The blessings of the people are with us.

Attacking the Congress, he said, “The Congress has also been given a mandate in 2024 that you sit alone in the opposition and keep shouting when you lose all logic. This is the first time that the Congress has failed to cross 100 seats three times in a row. It would have been better if they accepted their defeat and did some introspection. But the Congress and its ecosystem are trying to prove that they have defeated us. When a small child falls off a bike and starts crying, the elders say, ‘Look, an ant has died, a bird has flown away, you are riding so well.’ They distract the child to make him feel good. This is what is happening these days: the Congress and its ecosystem are doing this these days.”

I remember a story. With 99 points, a child was walking arrogantly. He was boasting. People were praising him. The teacher came and asked him why he was being praised. He got 99, not out of 100, but out of 543. Who can convince balak buddhi (immature mind) that you have broken the world record for chess, he said.

We saw this childish activity in the House yesterday. There was a vilap (whining) by Balak Buddhi here yesterday. Mr. Speaker, this is another drama to garner sympathy, but we know that he is out on bail in a multi-thousand-crore corruption case; he was convicted of calling OBCs thieves; he had to apologise in the Supreme Court for irresponsible statements and he was prosecuted for insulting the great freedom fighter Savarkar. Balak Buddhi does not know how to speak or behave. When Balak Buddhi loses control, he forcefully hugs someone or winks. The country tells him tumse na ho payega (you cannot do it).

Modi criticised Rahul Gandhi for displaying images of gods in the Lok Sabha and said, “Since our childhood, we have been taught that every form of Ishwar is meant for darshan. No form is meant for pradarshan (display) out of greed. Insulting our gods and goddesses hurts millions. After yesterday's scenes, Hindus must ask themselves: is this insult a coincidence or part of a design?”

Claiming that the armed forces were weak during the Jawaharlal Nehru era, Modi said the Congress was against reforms in the defence sector while the government was being maligned for making the forces combat-ready in changing times.

“They are now spreading lies about recruitment, so that the youth of my country do not join the army. I want to know for whom and for whose benefit does the Congress want to weaken our army?” he said.

“On Agniveer day, lies were told in the House. The same was said about the MPs. It is the misfortune of the House that its dignity is being affected. A party that has been sitting here for 60 years and knows the work of the government when it chooses the path of chaos, we have proof that the country is heading in a dangerous direction,” he said.




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