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Trump's Criminal Sentencing In New York Postponed Until SeptemberExBulletin

Trump's Criminal Sentencing In New York Postponed Until SeptemberExBulletin


A New York judge has postponed former President Trump's sentencing until September. Justin Sullivan/Getty Images .

switch caption Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Former President Donald Trump's criminal sentencing has been postponed until September 18 following a request by his legal team following the Supreme Court's ruling on presidential immunity. The postponement is a victory for Trump, who is expected to be the official Republican nominee for the 2024 presidential election later this month.

Trump’s verdict was originally scheduled for July 11. Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg and District Attorney Matthew Colangelo were scheduled to testify on Capitol Hill the next day, at the request of Republican lawmakers who have criticized the trial. Prosecutors had previously said they were willing to testify, but only after the verdict.

Trump's legal team on Monday requested a delay in his sentencing after the Supreme Court ruled that presidents and former presidents enjoy broad immunity from prosecution for official acts in office.

The next day, Manhattan district attorneys said in a letter to New York Judge Juan Merchan that while they believe the arguments for a delay are without merit, they will not oppose the request.

Trump's post-trial proceedings are underway

In May, Trump was tried and convicted on 34 counts of falsifying business records in connection with payments to silence adult film actress Stormy Daniels, who, when Trump was first running for president, had threatened to go public with allegations of an extramarital affair. A 12-person Manhattan jury reached the unanimous decision.

After the verdict, Trump participated in a routine pretrial interview with the New York City Probation Department, conducted virtually. Prosecutors from the Manhattan district attorney’s office and Trump’s legal teams each submitted sentencing recommendations last month. Those documents have not been made public, but he is not expected to face prison time.

Trump has also focused his attention on raising campaign donations and running up legal fees by using the conviction as a fundraising tool. In the 24 hours after the guilty verdict, Trump's campaign boasted that it had raised millions of dollars. Trump and his legal team have also vowed to appeal the conviction, a process that could take years.




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