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Former President Donald Trump's sentencing in New York hush-money case delayed after U.S. Supreme Court ruling

Former President Donald Trump's sentencing in New York hush-money case delayed after U.S. Supreme Court ruling


NEW YORK — Donald Trump will not face trial on corporate fraud charges until September, a New York judge ruled Tuesday, following Monday's Supreme Court ruling on presidential immunity.

The delay in sentencing means the former president will likely escape any concrete punishment for his felony conviction over the summer, just as Trump's election bid has been boosted by President Joe Biden's debate failure, leading Democrats to question whether to replace their nominee.

Trump's verdict was scheduled for July 11. Judge Juan Merchan said the former president would now be sentenced on September 18, “if that is still necessary.”

The announcement underscores the far-reaching implications of Monday's Supreme Court decision, in which the court's conservative wing held that presidents enjoy absolute immunity for “essential” presidential functions.

The decision calls into question special counsel Jack Smith’s indictment of Trump on election subversion charges — and a trial before the November election is now virtually impossible. The decision could also impact Trump’s indictments in the Georgia classified documents and election interference cases.

In May, Trump became the first former U.S. president to be convicted of a crime when a Manhattan jury found him guilty of 34 counts of falsifying business records during his criminal trial for hush money.

Trump's legal team filed a letter Monday seeking to challenge the former president's conviction after the Supreme Court ruled that presidents enjoy absolute immunity from prosecution for essential official acts.

The Manhattan district attorney's office agreed Tuesday that sentencing should be delayed.

RELATED: How Will the Supreme Court's Immunity Ruling Impact Trump's Four Criminal Cases?

“While we find the defendant’s arguments without merit, we do not oppose his request for leave to file and his purported request to adjourn sentencing pending the determination of his motion. We respectfully request an extension of July 24, 2024 – two weeks beyond the deadline requested by the defendant – to file and serve a response,” the prosecutor said in a letter Tuesday.

The former president's lawyers argued that the ruling upheld their position that Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg should not have been allowed to present evidence at trial regarding Trump's “official acts” and, therefore, the jury's guilty verdict should be overturned.

Will Scharf, a lawyer representing Trump in the immunity case, told CNN Monday night that the Supreme Court's decision “absolutely” has an impact on the hush-money case.

“The Supreme Court has been very clear that for acts that fall within the outer perimeter of the president's official responsibilities, acts that are presumptively immune from prosecution, evidence of those acts cannot be used to judge essentially private acts,” he said on “The Source.”

In their letter Monday, Trump's lawyers highlighted evidence obtained at trial during Trump's time in office, including testimony from former White House communications director Hope Hicks; tweets Trump sent while in office; and phone records implicating Trump while he was president.

“Under Trump, this evidence of official acts should never have been presented to the jury. Consistent with the arguments we made before and during the trial, the Supreme Court ruled in Trump that President Trump ‘cannot be sued for exercising his core constitutional powers, and he is entitled, at a minimum, to presumptive immunity from prosecution for all of his official acts,’” Trump’s lawyers wrote.

“The verdicts in this case violate the doctrine of presidential immunity and create serious risks of 'self-cannibalizing executive power,'” they added.

(The-CNN-Wire & 2024 Cable News Network, Inc., a Time Warner company. All rights reserved.)




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