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Rep. Jared Golden Says Donald Trump Will Win 'And I'm Okay With That'

Rep. Jared Golden Says Donald Trump Will Win 'And I'm Okay With That'


Jared Golden, a three-term U.S. Rep. from Lewiston, said Tuesday that the outcome of this year's presidential election has been clear to him for months: Democratic President Joe Biden will lose.

“Even though I don’t intend to vote for him, Donald Trump is going to win,” Golden said. “And I’m okay with that.”

Golden laid out his thinking in an op-ed published online in the Bangor Daily News in which he decried those who view Trump, a criminal who lost reelection in 2020 and for whom Golden twice voted to impeach, as a unique threat to our democracy.

Unlike Biden and many others, I refuse to participate in a campaign aimed at scaring voters with the idea that Trump will end our democratic system, Golden said.

The Republican hoping to unseat Golden in Maine's GOP-leaning 2nd Congressional District, Austin Theriault of Fort Kent, was unimpressed by the incumbents' column.

In a press release titled Phony Golden Claims to Throw Biden Overboard, Theriault said his Democratic opponent hasn't even said whether he still supports Biden or not.

“What a fraud,” Theriault said in the statement. Simple questions for Jared Golden: Does he support Joe Biden for president or not? Does Golden believe Biden is mentally competent or not?

Golden won't say anything because he puts politics before the people of Maine, said Theriault, whose Trump support helped him win a Republican primary last month.

Amy Fried, a retired University of Maine political science professor, said Golden's position was naive.

A second Trump term is far more dangerous to democracy than the Trump who engaged in actions that led Golden to vote for articles of impeachment for Trump's abuses of power, she said.

Fried said the lawmaker was ignoring the fact that Trump was held in check during his first term to some extent by members of his team who supported American institutions.

But if he wins in November, she said, Trump plans to choose pre-screened Trump loyalists and has just gotten the green light from the U.S. Supreme Court to use his powers as he wishes.

Trump has vowed to be a dictator from Day One, talked about retaliation and posted a meme the other day about holding military tribunals to try former Rep. Liz Cheney and others for treason, she said, voicing widespread concern among Democrats.

Savannah Viar, a spokeswoman for the National Republican Campaign Committee, said everyone could see the op-ed for what it was: a blatant campaign tactic to try to stay relevant. But at the end of the day, voters know that Jared Golden puts politics before the people of Maine.

Golden said in his column that many Democrats are panicking about whether President Joe Biden should drop out of the party's nomination, following the president's disappointing performance last week in a debate against Trump, who won Golden's district in 2016 and 2020.

He said Biden's poor performance in the debate was not a surprise and did not rattle me as it had others, because the outcome of this election had been clear to me for months.

The Democrats’ post-debate lamentations are based on the idea that a Trump victory would not only be a political loss, but a unique threat to our democracy, Golden said. I reject that premise.

“We don’t need partisans in smoke-filled back rooms to save us,” Golden said. “We can defend our democracy without them.”

This Independence Day marks our nation’s 248th birthday. During that time, American democracy has withstood civil war, world wars, acts of terrorism and technological and societal changes that would make the Founding Fathers’ heads spin, Golden said.

To celebrate a Trump victory is to ignore the strength of our democracy, he said, including how it withstood the test of an insurrection on January 6, 2021.

Golden said hundreds of millions of freedom-loving Americans will not let anyone take away our constitutional rights as citizens of the greatest democracy in history.

“This election is about the economy, not democracy,” he said. And when it comes to our economy, our Congress matters far more than the one in the White House.

In 2025, I think Trump will be in the White House, Golden said. Maine representatives will have to work with him when it benefits Mainers, hold him accountable when it doesn’t, and work independently no matter what.

On this Independence Day, we should reflect on the history and strength of our great democracy, knowing that no man is strong enough to take it from us, Golden said.

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