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Oregon political leaders react along party lines to Supreme Court ruling on Trump immunity

Oregon political leaders react along party lines to Supreme Court ruling on Trump immunity


Members of Oregon's congressional delegations reacted along partisan lines to a U.S. Supreme Court ruling Monday granting former President Donald Trump substantial immunity from prosecution for trying to subvert the 2020 election.

Democrats decried the move as potentially damaging to democracy, while Republicans welcomed it as a way to prevent politically motivated prosecutions.

The decision, by a six-to-three vote, could have broad implications for the scope of presidential powers. Presidents are immune from prosecution for official acts but can be tried for private acts, the Supreme Court ruled.

In a statement, Democratic U.S. Senator Ron Wyden blasted the Supreme Court as openly partisan and said the decision added to its sordid record of dangerous decisions that destroy the pillars of American democracy.

He noted that the decision was made the week of July 4.

The fact that this terrible decision comes the same week we celebrate Americans coming together 248 years ago to declare their independence from the monarchy makes today a particularly glaring stain on a judicial institution that its founders designed to check the concentration of power in the hands of a single person, Wyden said.

FILE: In this Jan. 6, 2021, file photo, a supporter of President Donald Trump gathers to protest in solidarity in Salem, Oregon.

Paula Bronstein / AP

Sen. Jeff Merkley struck a similar tone, saying in a statement that the Supreme Court has been captured by billionaires and MAGA extremists. He expressed concern, aligning himself with Justice Sonia Maria Sotomayor’s dissenting opinion, that the official acts of a president have yet to be defined by the courts.

“It's absolutely shameful and dangerous for our country,” Merkley said of the decision.

Republican U.S. Rep. Lori Chavez-DeRemer, meanwhile, declined to comment on the decision. Her spokesman, Aaron Britt, texted OPB.

The congresswoman understands the Supreme Court's decision and remains focused on working in a bipartisan way to address issues that matter to Oregon families, such as high grocery prices, health care, crime and drug use, and border security, said Britt, who did not respond to a text message with follow-up questions.

Chavez-DeRemer, who supported Donald Trump in his presidential campaign, will face Oregon Rep. Janelle Bynum in the November election for the state's 5th Congressional District seat. It's a swing district that Chavez-DeRemer narrowly won in 2022. The race could determine which party controls the U.S. House of Representatives.

Bynum used Monday's decision to emphasize that her opponent supported former President Donald Trump's bid to return to the White House. She also highlighted the court's partisan leanings.

Once again, Republicans like Lori Chavez-DeRemer have blindly rushed to defend a convicted felon over the interests of Oregon workers, giving him their unqualified support, Bynum said in a statement.

Joe Kent, the Republican candidate for Washington’s 3rd Congressional District, disagreed with Democrats’ claims that the decision puts the president above the law, saying government checks and balances prevent that. A retired Green Beret and former CIA operative, Kent was endorsed by Trump before losing the 2022 congressional election.

“I think overall it's a good thing,” Kent said. “And I hope we put an end to these political prosecutions that have become a little too common these days.”

A spokesperson for Kent's opponent, Democratic U.S. Rep. Marie Gluesenkamp Perez, did not immediately return a call seeking comment.

The high court's decision follows a case against Trump, accusing him of conspiring to subvert the 2020 election through his actions on January 6, 2021, the day pro-Trump rioters stormed the US Capitol in an attempt to keep him in power.

The court concluded that the nature of presidential power requires that a former president enjoy some immunity from criminal prosecution for official acts committed while in office. The decision means Trump will likely avoid trial on those charges before the November election, and he could order the Justice Department to drop the charges if he is elected.

U.S. Rep. Suzanne Bonamici of Oregon's 1st Congressional District said that with absolute immunity for official acts, the country will be vulnerable to the whims of an unaccountable president, regardless of actions taken, laws broken or crimes committed.

As a member of the legislative branch, I will do everything possible to defend the Constitution and restore balance and responsibility, Bonamici said.

A spokesman for Republican U.S. Rep. Cliff Bentz did not immediately respond to a request for comment.




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