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Why Iranian Proxies Target Azerbaijani Oil Sector in Türkiye

Why Iranian Proxies Target Azerbaijani Oil Sector in Türkiye


Since the start of Operation Iron Swords, the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement has gained momentum around the world. In Lebanon, it has called for a boycott of Pepsi because the company’s new logo too closely resembles the Israeli flag. The BDS movement has targeted McDonald’s for offering discounts to IDF soldiers, leading to significant economic losses in the aftermath of the war. Meanwhile, the city of Sydney may be breaking contracts targeted by BDS. Turkey is no exception to this global trend, with the BDS movement also gaining traction there. The list goes on.

In Turkey, one of the main targets of the BDS movement is Azerbaijan’s alleged supply of oil to Israel via the Turkish port of Ceyhan. Although Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has already imposed a trade embargo on Israel, the BDS movement says it continues to respect the right of its strategic ally, Azerbaijan, to use Turkish ports to transport oil to Israel. The BDS movement in Turkey wants this situation to end.

Recently, Iran recruited agents of the “Thousand Youth for Palestine” organization to attack the office of the State Oil Company of the Republic of Azerbaijan (SOCAR) in Istanbul. The pro-Iranian hooligans, some of whom wore keffiyehs, sprayed red paint on the SOCAR office building, while a dozen people tried to enter it. At the same time, students from Istanbul’s prestigious Galatasaray University also protested a speech by a senior SOCAR official, accusing the company of having blood on its hands.

SOCAR denies selling crude oil to Israel

In response, SOCAR issued the following statement: “SOCAR Türkiye and its group of companies have been attacked by provocateurs on social media and through physical actions in the context of recent geopolitical changes in the region. These groups are publishing provocative messages on social media, making baseless accusations that we are selling crude oil to Israel, while attacking our company buildings, endangering the safety of our employees.”

“The provocations that took place at our Istanbul headquarters on March 12, May 29, May 31 and June 2, as well as at Bursagaz’s Bursa office on May 24, pose a significant threat to the safety of our employees. SOCAR operates under international trade agreements, and the claim that SOCAR is currently selling crude oil to Israel is baseless and misleading. The global oil market involves trading companies, and suppliers cannot control or interfere with the destination of their crude oil. SOCAR, like other oil companies, markets its products through commercial relationships with relevant companies,” they added.

Flag of Azerbaijan (credit: REUTERS)

Meanwhile, the “Thousand Youth for Palestine” protests against Azerbaijani oil continue. The fact that Turkish authorities have arrested some protesters has led some in the country to question Erdogan’s pro-Palestinian credentials, which is exactly what this pro-Iranian proxy is seeking to do. They want Erdogan’s base of supporters to be outraged that their president made an exception for Azerbaijani oil and for the Turkish leader to continue to enjoy a positive friendship with Baku at the expense of Tehran.

Fortunately, most Turks are not interested in the BDS movement these days. Turkey is facing a severe economic crisis that led the AKP to lose local elections last March. Most Turks are suffering from the difficult situation of the lira and are therefore opposed to anything that could harm the Turkish economy. Therefore, these Iranian proxies are unlikely to convince the majority of Turks. However, this situation is likely to stir up the most radical elements among Erdogan’s supporters, potentially encouraging them to distance themselves from the Turkish leader.

The protesters also seek to harm the strategic relationship between Turkey and Azerbaijan, as they understand that if these two Turkic-speaking countries unite against Tehran, it will deal a major blow to Iran's hegemony in the Middle East region. Turkey has great influence in Syria, as well as among the Turks in northern Iraq. This puts them in a position to challenge Iranian dominance in both countries as the successor state to the Ottoman Turkish Empire.

On Palestinian streets, Turkey and Iran often vie for influence over who is the most vocal advocate for the Palestinian cause. By targeting Erdogan in Turkey with the BDS movement, pro-Iranian proxies hope to undermine his pro-Palestinian credentials, particularly at a time when one protester’s mother has lambasted Erdogan for arresting her son for “defending Palestine,” and a video of her making the statement has dominated Turkish social media in recent days.

If Turkey succeeds in replacing Iran by influencing developments in the Palestinian Authority, Syria and Iraq, this – combined with an alliance with an expanded Azerbaijan, which has just liberated much of the territory of Iran's ally Armenia – would significantly weaken Iran in the Middle East, especially if Iranian Azerbaijan manages to separate itself from Iran with the Turkmens who are currently living under the tyranny of the mullahs.

Former Azerbaijani President Heydar Aliyev once said that Azerbaijan and Turkey were “one nation, two states.” This common bond could make both countries formidable, weakening the Shiite Crescent. It is in the Iranians’ interest to break this bond, which is why the BDS movement is now targeting Azerbaijan’s oil sector in Turkey.

The author is a leading Middle East scholar and commentator.




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