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Boris Johnson delivers dramatic speech to boost Conservative support in UK

Boris Johnson delivers dramatic speech to boost Conservative support in UK


For some British Conservative voters, it feels like all their general election dreams have come true. Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson threw himself into the general election race Tuesday night, making a last-minute appeal to Conservative voters to stick with their party, even as polls show Rishi Sunak’s government headed for defeat in Thursday’s election, while Keir Starmer’s Labour Party is headed for a landslide victory.

It’s all coming now, this week, this gigantic Labour majority full of horrors, because even though Labour’s vote share is far lower than ours in 2019, and even though Starmer has a historically low approval rating for a man in his position, our system will deliver this supermajority because too many good, kind, moderate Conservatives are about to vote for other parties and get exactly the opposite of what they really want, Johnson said.

His remarks, delivered at an event in London that also included Sunak and other party figures, echoed the rhetoric of Sunak and others in recent days, which has included constant attacks on Labour and Starmer personally, warnings of a Labour landslide with little positive emphasis on Conservative policies. The party’s negative campaigning is at its peak.

Johnson resigned as prime minister in 2023 after it was revealed he lied about rule-breaking parties during the COVID lockdown. His appearance on Tuesday showed that an increasingly desperate Conservative leadership still believes Johnson can galvanise the party faithful, despite being a hugely divisive figure among the public.

If you really want higher taxes, if you think you have a few thousand quid to spend, then vote Labour on Thursday, Johnson said Tuesday. If you want uncontrolled immigration, mandatory woke politics and pointless kowtowing to Brussels, then go ahead and vote for Starmer. But if you want to protect our democracy and our economy and keep this country strong abroad by spending 2.5% of our GDP on defence, then the only way to do that is to vote Conservative on Thursday.

Johnson added: “We are here because we love our country, and whatever our differences are, they are utterly insignificant compared to the disaster we face if these opinion polls are correct.”

Of Nigel Farage's right-wing Reform Party, which has been eating into Conservative votes, Johnson said: “They say Putin is a good leader, that he runs a tough ship; and if that's what they mean by a man who shoots journalists, poisons his opponents and murders thousands of innocent Ukrainian civilians, I say shame on them. They can't achieve anything in this election except usher in the most left-wing Labour government since the war, with a huge majority, and we must not let that happen.”




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