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Donald Trump's sentencing for silence postponed | US News


A New York judge has postponed Donald Trump's sentencing to pay a hush money order until September to review the Supreme Court's decision on his immunity.

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled Monday that presidents are immune from criminal prosecution for official acts committed while in office, in a boost to Trump, who is accused of illegally trying to overturn his 2020 election defeat.

The former president asked Judge Juan Merchan to delay sentencing on his conviction for bribing a porn star to give him a chance to argue that he should have been immune from prosecution.

Prosecutors said Trump's argument was “meritless” but agreed to the postponement to give Trump time to present his arguments. In a post on his own social network, Truth Social, Trump described the decision as a “total exoneration.”

He will likely have to fight to have his corruption conviction overturned, however, since much of the charges in the case predate him taking office.

The verdict, originally scheduled for July 11, has now been postponed until September 18.

The postponement will push the sentencing beyond the July 15 Republican National Convention, when Trump is to be formally nominated as the party's nominee for president in the Nov. 5 election.

Trump's lawyers see the ruling as a game changer – it's the first test

This is the end of the law as they know it.

The details of the change will be tested first, and most quickly, in the New York court where Trump was convicted.

His lawyers clearly see the Supreme Court's decision as a turning point and an opportunity to overturn the conviction.

New York prosecutors disagree, saying Trump's argument is “baseless.”

Their agreement to delay sentencing is a nod to Trump's inevitable appeals and the importance of laying out a judge's reasoning to help withstand challenges.

Trump's lawyers argue that evidence presented to the jury at his trial falls under new immunity protections, including public statements, tweets and documents.

The silence trial covered periods when Trump was president, and questions will arise about what falls within the parameter of “official acts.”

This is a first test of the new immunity law and a measure of the president's autonomy.

For critics of the Supreme Court's decision, it is an assessment of the risk to democracy and the rule of law.

Trump's sentencing delay will push it past the July 15 Republican National Convention, when he is to be nominated as the party's nominee.

Trump's conviction had carried a heavy weight in political history – nothing more.

On May 30, Trump was convicted of falsifying business records to conceal a $130,000 payment from his former lawyer Michael Cohen to adult film actress Stormy Daniels.

The offer was made to her to keep quiet about an alleged sexual encounter that occurred in 2006 until after the 2016 election, when Trump defeated Democrat Hillary Clinton.

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Trump denies ever having sex with Ms Daniels and has said he will appeal the conviction after his sentencing.

Prosecutors said the payment was part of an illicit scheme to influence the election.

Read more: Ruling gives Biden welcome reprieve on health issuesBiden says immunity ruling means presidents can 'ignore the law'

In their letter to Judge Merchan, Trump's team argued that prosecutors used evidence implicating his official acts as president, including conversations while he was in the White House.

Under the Supreme Court's ruling, prosecutors cannot use evidence related to official actions to help prove criminal cases involving unofficial actions.




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