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India will not forget Rahul Gandhi's insult to Hinduism in Parliament for centuries, says Narendra Modi


The country will not forget the congressman for centuries Rahul Gandhi's attempt of insulting and making false accusations against Hinduism, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Tuesday while replying to the motion of thanks to the President's speech in the Lok Sabha.

He made the remarks in reference to the opposition leader's speech in the lower house on Monday. Gandhi had accused the Bharatiya Janata Party of spreading hatred and violence against minorities. His remarks have been erased from the records of Parliament.

Gandhi had claimed that BJP leaders called themselves Hindus but spoke only of violence and hatred. BJP leaders, on the other hand, claimed that the Congress leader had described the entire Hindu community as violent.

During his speech, the opposition leader held up images of Shiva, Guru Nanak and Jesus Christ and said all religions speak of fearlessness and non-violence.

On Tuesday, Modi said using images of religious deities for political purposes would not be condoned by the country.

“Gods, in all their forms, are meant to be solemnly contemplated and not put on display,” Modi said. The insult to our deities has hurt the sentiments of 1.4 billion people in the country.

He added that after the images of Monday's Lok Sabha session, Hindu society should now ask itself whether such humiliation was a coincidence or a preparation for an experiment.

It has been said that Hindus are violent, Modi said. Is this your values? Is this your character? Is this your hatred towards Hindus in this country? This country will not forget it for centuries. These are the people who tried to coin the term 'Hindu terror'. Their allies compare Hinduism to dengue fever, malaria, etc. and these people applaud.

The Prime Minister was referring to the remarks made by Dravida Munnetra Kazhgam leader Udhyanidhi Stalin.

At a press conference in Chennai on September 2, Udhayanidhi Stalin, son of Tamil Nadu Chief Minister and Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam leader M K Stalin, had said that Sanatana Dharmawas related to dengue fever and malaria. Therefore, he added, it should be annihilated.

Sanatana Dharma is a term that some people use as a synonym for Hinduism.

Their entire ecosystem wants to despise, abuse and insult Hinduism, Modi said on Tuesday.

The Prime Minister also said that those who dance with the Constitution do not dare to implement it in Kashmir.

The people who are dancing with the Constitution today did not dare to apply it there. [Kashmir]Modi said. Security forces were stoned. People said nothing can happen. After the abrogation of Article 370, stone pelting has stopped. People trust the Constitution, the flag and the democracy of India and are voting in large numbers.

As Modi delivered his speech, the opposition staged protests and gathered in the courtroom, demanding justice for ethnic unrest in Manipur that began in May last year.

Congress has become parasitic, says PM

Prime Minister Modi said the Congress won Lok Sabha seats because of its allies.

The Congress and its ecosystem are trying to make people understand that they have defeated us, he said. It has become a parasitic party after 2014 and is devouring the votes of its allies.

Modi pointed out that the Congress had won only 99 seats in the elections and wondered why it was happy with the result. He also said that the opposition party had failed to win a single seat in 13 states.

Referring to the irregularities found in the National Eligibility and Entrance Test, the Prime Minister said those who play with the future of the youth will not be spared.

“Arrests have been made across the country,” Modi said. “We have already passed a strict law on this. To strengthen the examination system, necessary steps are being taken.”




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