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Why Modi will go to Moscow

Why Modi will go to Moscow


Indian foreign policy is evolving at a rapid pace. Just four days after being sworn in for a third term last month, Prime Minister Narendra Modi was in Italy to attend the awareness session of the G7 summit, reinforcing friendly links with its Western partners.

You may be wondering what is new here? Delhi has been expanding its cooperation with its Western partners for two decades now. However, the significance of Modi’s presence in the picturesque region of Puglia is even greater. striking contrast Modi has skipped the upcoming Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit scheduled for this week in Astana. Indian External Affairs Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar will replace Modi at a summit overshadowed by Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping.

There are different degrees in Indian multi-alignment.

India is reluctant to participate in the SCO at the highest level because of its impasse with China. In recent years, Moscow’s growing reliance on Beijing and Xi Jinping’s assertive foreign policy have made China the key pivot of the SCO’s manoeuvres. India is wary about this. In Modi’s absence, Delhi is sending a message to its Chinese interlocutors that relations are under strain. Unless the Chinese renounce their aggressive stance in the Himalayas, the space for engagement between the two Asian neighbours is limited. The SCO has a distinct sense of security, unlike the BRICS, which also includes Russia, China and India, but it has a more economic connotation.

Media reports suggest Modi will visit Russia in the second week of July. The trip will irritate many Western observers. Since the start of the war in Ukraine, India's purchase of cheap oil from Russia has been seen as profiting from the unrest in the heart of Europe.

There is no doubt that India's stance on Ukraine, along with US sanctions against Russia, has prompted Moscow to sell oil at lower prices to India. Delhi has always taken an ambivalent stance on the Ukraine conflict, calling for dialogue and diplomacy. But this is about strategy, not cheap oil. To paraphrase Jaishankar, the reason for the proven stability of Indo-Russian relations is the maintenance of a continental partnership. balance in the heart of Eurasia. That is, to counterbalance China. Or, to put it another way, do not embark on creating new adversaries when there are already two open fronts, China and Pakistan.

India's dependence on the former Soviet Union for arms began partly because of mutual concern Both capitals talked about China in the 1960s and 1970s. From Moscow’s perspective, tensions with Europe forced it to turn to Asia. Keeping India close shows China that it has other friends too. It also shows the West that Russia enjoys the support of the major emerging powers.

Remember this when Modi shakes hands with Putin in Moscow. India’s multi-party alignment has varying degrees. Make no mistake, the US and its allies are more important to India’s future than its relations with Russia. But India’s ties with Moscow are a product of the past and are also meant to ward off a potential future.




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