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Imran Khan admits there are groups within the party and he is ready to meet 'both factions'

Imran Khan admits there are groups within the party and he is ready to meet 'both factions'


Former Prime Minister Imran Khan gestures as he speaks to Reuters during an interview, in Lahore, March 17, 2023. ReutersImran backs Omar Ayub, remains silent on Fawad Chaudhry. He denies there are major differences within the party. The PTI founder still maintains his stance on US intervention via a cipher.

ISLAMABAD: Jailed Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) founder Imran Khan has admitted divisions and groupings within the party and will meet both factions tomorrow in Adiala Jail, The News reported on Wednesday.

Refuting reports of a forward bloc within the PTI, Khan, speaking to reporters in a courtroom at the Adiala headquarters, stressed that there were no major differences within the party.

The PTI founder's remarks come as the former ruling party is hit by internal unrest, with leaders speaking against each other, with the PTI central committee also rejecting the existence of any division earlier this week.

Last month, the party's secretary general, Omar Ayub, resigned from his post as party secretary general to focus on his role as leader of the opposition in the National Assembly.

Ayub's resignation comes amid reports of divisions in the PTI ranks, with sources telling Geo News that 27 lawmakers of the PTI-backed Sunni Ittehad Council (SIC) have deliberated on the option of resigning from the National Assembly in protest against the party's top leadership.

Of the 27, insiders said 21 of its lawmakers had hinted that they wanted to form an advance bloc in the face of the top leadership's failure to secure the party founder's release from prison, the sources added.

However, Ayub's resignation has since been rejected by the PTI parliamentary party, which was then followed by the party's central committee asking him to withdraw his decision to quit the coveted party post.

It is noteworthy that prominent PTI leader Sher Afzal Marwatin May was served with a notice after refusing to work with Ayub and others.

Moreover, a PTI report held the fiery leader responsible for a scuffle between the opposition leader and workers that took place outside the Islamabad court complex when a district and sessions court rejected Khan and his wife's pleas seeking suspension of their sentence in the infidelity case.

Last week, Marwat also demanded the resignation of Shibli Faraz, saying that only then would the party be free from the “qabza mafia”.

Founder supports Ayub, but remains silent on Fawad

Throwing his weight behind Ayub, the former prime minister said: “[Omar] Ayub made huge sacrifices for the party and saw many difficult times. His services to the party are unforgettable.

However, when asked whether former federal minister and former party member Fawad Chaudhry had sent him a meeting message and his continued criticism of the current PTI leadership, Khan chose not to answer.

Fawad had recently accused the current PTI leadership of being an obstacle in the release of the PTI founder and other leaders due to lack of political strategy.

The former federal minister also responded to the PTI leader's criticism that those who parted ways with Khan following the May 9 chaos have now started speaking in his favour as the “difficult period” for the ailing party is now over.

“The difficult times are not over for the jailed former prime minister and other PTI leaders. Yasmin Rashid, Ejaz Chaudhry and others are still behind bars and going through a difficult time,” he said.

Further, while speaking on Geo News' 'Naya Pakistan', the former minister admitted that he was “desperate” to join the PTI. He added that he stood by Khan whether he was a member of the PTI or not.

Reiterating his affiliation with PTI, Fawad said he would have been a “form 47 legislator” if he had left the party founded by Imran.

Meanwhile, party information secretary Raoof Hasan, speaking on Geo News' 'Capital Talk' programme, said Fawad was expelled from PTI after joining another party, hence he had no right to comment on the party.

Hasan also said that some “touts” were spreading a discourse against the PTI top leadership on social media, adding that there was no impression within the PTI that those who left the party should be reinstated.

The majority view within the party was that those who had left the party should not return, he said.

Highlighting the efforts to break up the party, the spokesperson said: “Just because some people express their opinion in a public forum does not mean the party is collapsing.”

He also ruled out the possibility of Khan seeking a deal for his release and the party hiring a lobbying firm.

Imran discusses the return of deserters

Another pressing issue facing the PTI is the return of leaders who left the party after the May 9 riots.

“There will be separate trials for party leaders who were tortured and those who left after seeing their files (related to the cases against them),” Khan said.

His comments come after the PTI central committee “unanimously” approved three resolutions regarding Ayub's resignation, PTI defectors and disciplinary action against those who violated party policies.

The committee also condemned the politicians who parted ways during this difficult period, the third resolution reads, adding that these politicians have no moral right or authority to comment on party affairs.

The move follows Fawad's harsh criticism of the PTI leadership.

“I still maintain Donald Lu's intervention”

Commenting on the recent resolution passed by the US House of Representatives calling for an investigation into allegations of irregularities in the February 8 general elections, the former prime minister said: “The Israeli lobby is the strongest in the United States, but it has never been able to bring such a resolution (in favor of Israel) in the history of the country.”

“The resolution is linked to the elections, while encryption was linked to the end of my government. I still stand by Donald Lu's intervention,” he added in response to a question whether the move constituted interference in Islamabad's internal affairs over the encryption controversy.

Last week, at least 368 members of the U.S. House of Representatives voted in favor of the resolution and called for a “full and independent investigation into allegations of interference or irregularities in Pakistan’s February 2024 elections.” About seven members voted against it.

According to House Resolution 901, representatives voted to “express support for democracy and human rights in Pakistan.”

In response, the National Assembly condemned the US resolution as “contrary to the facts” and a “foreign intervention”.

The US resolution is totally contrary to facts, he said, adding that Pakistan would not tolerate any form of interference in its internal affairs as an independent and sovereign state.

The lower house of parliament also asked the US to maintain bilateral relations with Pakistan based on mutual respect.




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