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NATO member: China can end war in Ukraine with a simple phone call to Putin


China may hold the key to ending Russia's war in Ukraine, Finnish President Alexander Stubb said in an interview with Bloomberg Tuesday.

China's influence over Russia, Stubb said, stems from the latter's growing dependence on the Asian giant as it grapples with crippling economic sanctions from the West.

“I think Russia is so dependent on China right now that a simple phone call from President Xi Jinping could solve this crisis,” Stubb said of the Chinese leader. “If he said, ‘It’s time to start negotiating peace,’ Russia would be forced to do it.”

“They would have no other choice,” he continued.

Representatives of the Russian and Chinese foreign ministries did not immediately respond to BI's requests for comment sent outside normal business hours.

Stubb, whose country joined the NATO military alliance in April last year, told the outlet that negotiating a peaceful resolution to the war in Ukraine would be in China's interests.

“If China is truly interested in harmonious relations between nation states, it cannot allow a country like Russia to wage an imperial, ultimately aggressive and colonial war against an independent nation state,” Stubb said.

“It's the right thing to do. And it would also show China's leadership,” he added.

Certainly, China has called for peace in Ukraine.

In May, Xi Jinping hosted Russian President Vladimir Putin in Beijing, where he stressed China's desire to see an international peace conference involving Russia and Ukraine.

It is worth noting that China did not attend the Ukrainian peace conference in Switzerland in June because Russia was not invited.

“China has always insisted that an international peace conference should be agreed by Russia and Ukraine, with equal participation of all parties, and that all peace proposals should be discussed in a fair and just manner,” said Mao Ning, a spokesperson for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. said of the Swiss effort of May 31.

However, some analysts believe that China does not want the war to end.

“Despite China’s repeated calls for a negotiated settlement in Ukraine, America’s continued support for kyiv and thus Russia’s inability to secure its short-term gains are actually in Beijing’s interests,” Chels Michta, a nonresident fellow at the Center for European Policy Analysis, said in his article. analysis in May.

In his article, Michta argues that an escalation of the war on NATO's European territory would draw the United States deeper into the theater of operations.

An escalation, Michta argued, would also limit the United States' ability to “respond to a crisis in Asia,” allowing China to achieve “regional hegemony in the Indo-Pacific.”

“It should therefore be obvious that Ukraine is extremely important to China and that a continued conflict is entirely in its interests,” Michta wrote.




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