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This is Jokowi's response to pressure for Budi Arie to resign after PDNS hack


TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – President Joko Widodo or Jokowi did not give a clear answer when asked about calls for the resignation of the Minister of Communication and Information Budi Arie Setiadi. Calls for Budi Arie's removal emerged following the hack of the National Data Center (PDN).

“Everything has been evaluated,” Jokowi said after inaugurating an electric vehicle battery factory in Karawang, West Java, on Wednesday, July 3, 2024.

PDN, which is managed by the Ministry of Communication and Information and BSSN, was hacked on June 20, 2024 by LockBit 3.0 ransomware data. Ransomware is a term for a type of malware that attacks data systems.

The temporary National Data Center in Surabaya manages data from 73 ministries and institutions as well as hundreds from regional governments. Kominfo and BSSN is responsible for the National Data Centre which is considered to have failed to protect this vital and strategic object.

Netizens have criticized Budi Arie, who is also the general chairman of Projo, after the PDN hack. The civil society organization fighting for digital rights, SafeNET, has launched a petition calling for Budi Arie to resign as Minister of Communication and Information. As of Wednesday afternoon, July 3, 2024, the petition had 22,000 supporters.

In response to Safenet's petition, Budi Arie believes that the community has the right to express itself. “Ah no comment“It is the people’s right to have a voice,” he said after a joint meeting at the DPR RI Building, Senayan, Jakarta, Thursday evening, June 27, 2024.

After inaugurating an electric battery factory in Karawang today, President Jokowi said the government has assessed the PDN hack. The head of state hopes that in the future there will be a safeguard of national data.


Jokowi did not provide details when asked about the assessment to strengthen the cyber system. However, the former Jakarta governor said the most important thing is that there is a solution so that the same incident does not happen again.

“From-backup our national data, so that if something happens, we are not shocked. “This happens in other countries, not just in us,” Jokowi said.

Digital expert Anthony Leong laments the disruption to the PDN system. He said the disruption was a major crisis that had a far-reaching impact, disrupting several services, including immigration.

“This is a big problem and it needs to be anticipated. Does the government, through the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (Kominfo), which oversees the PDN, have crisis management to mitigate the problems of the PDN?” Anthony said in a written statement on Monday, June 25, 2024.

Editor's Pick: Jokowi's Response to PDN Hack: It's Happening in Other Countries, Not Just Us




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