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Xi Jinping: China will always be a reliable support for Kazakhstan


China will always be a reliable support for Kazakhstan, Chinese President Xi Jinping said during a meeting on July 3 with Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev in Akorda.

Kassym-Jomart Tokayev with Xi Jinping.Photo credit: Akorda

To honor the distinguished guest, fighter jets of the Kazakhstan Air Defense Forces flew over the presidential residence, leaving behind a red and yellow trail – the colors of the Chinese flag, the Akorda press service reported.

Conferences in restricted format

During the closed-format talks, Tokayev expressed gratitude to Xi for accepting the invitation to visit Kazakhstan and reiterated that China is not only a good neighbor of Kazakhstan, but a close friend and a reliable and proven partner.

“I consider your visit to be of exceptional significance. China is a friendly neighbor, an important strategic partner and one of our major allies. I am pleased to note that China-Kazakhstan relations, based on unswerving friendship and mutual support, are developing at an unprecedented pace. I highly appreciate your significant contribution to strengthening the Kazakhstan-China Eternal Comprehensive Strategic Partnership. I fully support your initiative to raise cooperation between the two countries to a new level for the benefit of our peoples,” Tokayev said.

Photo credit: Akorda

Tokayev highly appreciated the Kazakh-Chinese relations, which are steadily developing in all areas, based on the unshakable values ​​of common history, good neighborliness and mutual support.

Xi Jinping, in turn, expressed his gratitude to Tokayev for his warm welcome to the Kazakh territory and stressed the effectiveness of the reforms implemented by the Kazakh president.

“You have implemented a comprehensive set of effective measures in domestic and foreign policy, which has greatly enhanced your country's influence and prestige in the world,” Xi said.

Speaking about China-Kazakhstan bilateral relations, Xi Jinping assured that China gives priority to Kazakhstan in its foreign policy and recognizes it as an important partner in Central Asia.

“Last year, we outlined new plans and determined the main directions for the dynamic development of China-Kazakhstan relations in the 30 golden years. I want to confirm that China always views its relations with Kazakhstan from a strategic perspective and a long-term perspective, regarding Kazakhstan as a foreign policy priority in its relations with neighboring countries and an important partner in Central Asia. Our will and determination to ensure that China-Kazakhstan relations remain unshakable and are not subject to opportunistic influences,” Xi said.

Trade and international relations

The discussions continued in an expanded format with the participation of members of official delegations.

According to Tokayev, last year, the trade turnover between the two countries exceeded the record of $41 billion. Today, the two sides are implementing 45 investment projects worth $14.5 billion in the fields of industry, energy, transport and transit, green economy and agriculture, and are strengthening cultural and humanitarian ties. China traditionally occupies a leading position in terms of investment in the Kazakh economy, which has reached $24 billion over the past 15 years.

Tokayev said that Kazakhstan supports China's peaceful initiatives and highly appreciates its key role and contribution to building a just world order in accordance with the fundamental principles of international law and the UN Charter.

Xi Jinping expressed support for Kazakhstan's constructive role as a middle power on the international stage.

Prospects for cooperation

During the talks, the parties discussed prospects for developing investment cooperation in various fields, including e-commerce, automobile production and auto parts, transit and transportation, logistics, energy, agriculture, finance and tourism.

Tokayev and Xi also exchanged views on deepening interregional cooperation and expanding cultural and humanitarian contacts.

Container Shipping, Cultural Centers, Beijing Language and Culture University Branch

Tokayev and Xi Jinping attended the opening ceremonies of several facilities. They attended via teleconference the ceremony of sending trucks and railway containers by ferry along the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route (TITR).

The presidents also inaugurated the cultural centres of Kazakhstan in Beijing and China in Astana.

According to Mr. Akorda, the opening of these centers marks a new stage in the development of humanitarian cooperation between the two countries. These centers will become venues for various cultural events, exhibitions, conferences and master classes aimed at strengthening mutual understanding between the peoples of the two friendly countries.

Finally, the parties solemnly inaugurated a branch of Beijing Language and Culture University at Astana International University.

The effective implementation of these projects should constitute an important step towards improving cultural and educational exchanges and establishing political and economic ties between the two nations.




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