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We must rise above politics for peace in Manipur, says PM Modi


In his first substantive remarks on the Manipur conflict in Parliament since ethnic violence erupted in the state over a year ago, Prime Minister Narendra Modi told the Rajya Sabha that efforts were being made to bring peace, adding that history suggests that social tensions in the state are deep-rooted.

Around 11,000 First Information Reports (FIRs) have been registered and over 500 people have been arrested so far, Mr Modi said, noting that when a similar but much more violent agitation took place in the state in 1993, the violence lasted for five years.

“We have to rise above politics to bring back normalcy. The elements that are trying to add fuel to the fire in Manipur must stop. There will come a time when Manipur will reject them. There is a long history of social tensions that are deep-rooted… We have to act wisely. Anyone who wants to contribute to peace building is welcome,” the Prime Minister said.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi addresses the Rajya Sabha on the motion of thanks to the President's address, in New Delhi on July 3, 2024.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi addresses the Rajya Sabha on the motion of thanks to the President's address, in New Delhi on July 3, 2024 | Photo Credit: ANI

In his reply to the debate on the motion of thanks to the President's speech, Mr Modi noted that Manipur had been subjected to President's rule ten times during the Congress era, but added that we had not resorted to such means.

Action on NEET

Addressing the alleged irregularities that marred the conduct of the NEET exam this year, the Prime Minister said his government was taking strong action against those involved in criminal acts. “I expect all political parties to rise above partisan divides on this issue. I want to assure the youth that the government will not spare those who have betrayed them. We are strengthening the entire system,” Mr Modi said.

The Congress is the biggest opponent of the Constitution, the Prime Minister said, adding that the party's past sins like imposing Emergency could not be erased by just waving the book. He said it was because of the Constitution framed by Babasaheb Ambedkar that a person from a poor background like him could become the Prime Minister of India.

Hitting out at the Congress for its statement that the country was destined for growth irrespective of the party in power, he said some intelligent people believe that India will become the world's third largest economy on its own. Those who have been running the government on autopilot and remote pilot mode do not believe in doing anything, he added.

Landing of the opposition

Opposition MPs, led by Leader of Opposition Mallikarjun Kharge, walked out of the House barely 30 minutes after Mr Modi began his speech. Mr Kharge sought permission to intervene when the Prime Minister said the Congress had opposed observing November 26 as Constitution Day, but Rajya Sabha Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar did not allow him to do so.

As opposition members approached the chamber, chanting slogans demanding that Mr Kharge be allowed to speak, at least 10 security personnel rushed inside the House and stood guard on either side of the Speaker's table. The security personnel left after the opposition left the chamber. Bahujan Samaj Party and YSR Congress MPs, however, remained behind. As the others walked out, Mr Modi said: “They are disrespecting the Upper House. The people have defeated them on all fronts and now they have no choice but to shout in the streets and alleys. It is their destiny to flee.”

Working for peace in Manipur

Mr Modi said violent incidents had reduced in Manipur, noting that schools, colleges and other institutions were functioning properly.

The central and state governments are working together and smaller units are being mobilised to bring peace to Manipur. The Home Minister spent several days there, senior government officials are regularly visiting the state and are in touch with the people, he said. In view of the likelihood of floods in the state, the central government is extending all possible assistance and has also sent two teams of the National Disaster Response Force, he added.

At least 221 people were killed and more than 50,000 displaced after ethnic tensions between the Meitei people and the Kuki-Zo tribal people erupted into violence in the state on May 3, 2023.

Mr Modi's statement comes in the wake of persistent protests by the opposition, which has accused the prime minister of remaining silent on the issue and not visiting the state even once. Manipur Congress MPs A. Bimol Akoijam and Alfred Kanngam S. Arthur led the protest in the Well of the Lok Sabha on Tuesday while the prime minister was speaking.

Anti-corruption measures

In the Rajya Sabha, Mr Modi spoke for an hour and 51 minutes.

He said his government had given free rein to security agencies to act against corruption, adding that parties which accused each other of corruption were on the same platform in Delhi. The Congress is like a parasite, they won seats on the backs of their alliance partners and are known to misuse agencies to harass their opponents when they were in power, he said, accusing the opposition party of misleading people through false narratives and fake videos.

The selective outrage over crimes against women is a matter of concern, Mr Modi said. I was saddened to see the video of a woman being beaten up in public by a man in West Bengal. No one came to help, they shot videos. Similarly, the Sandeshkhali incident was horrific, he said.

He accused the Congress of having a hostile mentality towards Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes. Mr Kharge protected the one who was responsible for the party's third consecutive defeat, Mr Modi said. The Congress always uses Dalits to save the family, he said.




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